thing is, beggars can't be choosers, and when push comes to shove and faced with unemployment, I've taken a job at an academy for september.
tbh, in the day to day reality of things, it just seems like any other failing school that's been given a cash injection and name change.
in terms of pay and conditions, I do five extra days staff training a year, and there are minimum hours i'm expected to be on site over and above the school day, but that's still well short of my usual teaching hours. On the plus side, i get £2000 academy allowance on top of my standard pay deal to compensate.
the situation isn't ideal - i don't see any benefit in getting private buisness involved in education, and i shudder at the potential for influence from right wing / religious fundie groups (fortunately, our sponsor isn't too scary).
Selection may be an issue for the future - for now, my school is undersubscribed still (it takes more than a name change to eradicate a poor reputation). But i have to say, personally, I welcome increased ability to exclude. The newest legislation now means that in general schools are going to find it very expensive and even more difficult to exlude even violent children.