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Evelyn Grace Academy - new school in east Brixton

Your recourse to a sarcastic, belittling, ad hominem attack highlights the fact that I'm right. Besides, everyone wants to be young(er) again, even me.

Ffs what's the matter with you! :rolleyes:

I'm a teacher - I KNOW they're Year 7s!!!! But Ol Nick was joking and I was joining in.

Honestly. Perhaps when you grow up you'll develop a sense of humour.
Ffs what's the matter with you! :rolleyes:

I'm a teacher - I KNOW they're Year 7s!!!! But Ol Nick was joking and I was joining in.

Honestly. Perhaps when you grow up you'll develop a sense of humour.

Message boards are strange places where you never say what you would say in real life. You can say what you would say if you were drunk and had just been smacked in the face. You can bullshit or be arrogant and employ needless (pointless) shock tactics. this seems to be what a lot of people do on here. I was joining in. Sorry. I was being a dickhead for the fun of it to be honest. It was such a petty argument I thought it funny to take it to the next level.
Message boards are strange places where you never say what you would say in real life. You can say what you would say if you were drunk and had just been smacked in the face. You can bullshit or be arrogant and employ needless (pointless) shock tactics. this seems to be what a lot of people do on here. I was joining in. Sorry. I was being a dickhead for the fun of it to be honest. It was such a petty argument I thought it funny to take it to the next level.

Ah, OK, fair enough.

*puts boxing gloves away*
Actually the decision to sell off school sites was mainly done by Labour on the council in the late 1990s (e.g. the Effra parade site).

The Labour council deliberately made population projections that showed they didn't need the sites. Anthony Bottrall (formerly a Lib Dem councillor for Stockwell) got some independent projections done that showed the sites were needed.

So blaming Thatcher might be convenient but it's wrong.

Given the council's current housingi budget crisis (something like a £14m overspend this year) I dread to think what they'll sell next.

OK I know I was being overly simplistic but I believe many of the roots of Lambeth's problems go back to the demise of ILEA which meant that in the period of less than 3 years Lambeth had to get a completely new education department up and running.

And I dont think if the council had been under the control of any of the other parties any different decisions would have been made. I think the basic problem is that local government has been underfunded and 'meddled' with by central government for the last 20-30 years and so councils have not had enough money to spend as they wished and so had to make hard choices.
OK I know I was being overly simplistic but I believe many of the roots of Lambeth's problems go back to the demise of ILEA which meant that in the period of less than 3 years Lambeth had to get a completely new education department up and running.

And I dont think if the council had been under the control of any of the other parties any different decisions would have been made. I think the basic problem is that local government has been underfunded and 'meddled' with by central government for the last 20-30 years and so councils have not had enough money to spend as they wished and so had to make hard choices.

Fair enough.

HOWEVER anyone who is in politics has to take hard decisions. What shows your real colours I think is what you prioritise in a tight spot. I do think different parties would take different decisions.

A small example is that the Lib Dems promised to expand existing Lambeth schools when we were in power in 2002-2006. The downside of this was that a) it didn't please the people campaigning for new schools, b) some of the extra school places wouldn't have been particularly close to where the kids were.

The upside of course is that it didn't have all the financial and other practical problems of new sites - and so could have been done quickly.

A tough choice - but one that got made differently by different parties.

It seems like a conservatively run type of school.They are lined up after break time with someone who sounds like a sergeant major getting them in line.This appears to be what parents want.Discipline and strong boundaries.

Brought back memories of school.And why I never liked it.:(

Kind of depressing that education has gone back in time.

Whilst Academies are run on a not for profit basis education has also gone back in time in that this is a return to Victorian style philanthrophy.

Instead of the local squire its Hedge fund managers.Who can make themselves feel good by being involved in "charity".
They are lined up after break time with someone who sounds like a sergeant major getting them in line.
I've only ever worked in one school that doesn't do this, primary or secondary before year 10. It makes things much safer on the corridors and stairs getting them in, in their class groups. It can be dangerous mayhem otherwise.
You cant fool the children of the revelution

I've only ever worked in one school that doesn't do this, primary or secondary before year 10. It makes things much safer on the corridors and stairs getting them in, in their class groups. It can be dangerous mayhem otherwise.

As a child at school I was allways longing for more freedom and stuff to inspire my imagination .
Subsiqentley I still feel children deserve a certain degree of freedom in there schools. :D
I agree, but if a child gets injured in a surge in a corridor because others are pushing from behind (and I've seen it happen) that's not stifling freedom, it's not keeping children safe. The only two times I've been really scared in a school are during situations like that where I've been really worried about a child getting crushed.
I agree, but if a child gets injured in a surge in a corridor because others are pushing from behind (and I've seen it happen) that's not stifling freedom, it's not keeping children safe. The only two times I've been really scared in a school are during situations like that where I've been really worried about a child getting crushed.

Sure :) Point taken :D ......
The children of the summers end.

As a child at school I was allways longing for more freedom and stuff to inspire my imagination .
Subsiqentley I still feel children deserve a certain degree of freedom in THERE schools. :D

Other wise thay can end up dispiesing /fighting the system that seems to controll them.:rolleyes: :cool: :hmm:
I wonder how they're going to square the ban on jewellery with this decision.

And yes, in general terms best of luck to them - Brixton's children deserve a good local school.

The article shows the problem of human rights and multiculturalism/diversity.Religious "rights" take precedence.Whilst I dont agree with school uniforms if a school is going to have one it might as well be allowed to be consistant.If people want to be religious in there personal lives they can wear what they want.Im not bothered.

The difference between "Diversity" and "Multiculturalism" is that Diversity is also about accepting other peoples lifestyles.Multiculturalism has become more about tradtional ,conservative cultural beliefs-like wearing the veil etc.As I see it the above case will cause resentment.Ive heard a mother complain about an instance where her daughter was sent home for getting hair extensions (with her mothers permission).But as she said the religious people dont have to follow the school uniform rules in the same way.

If Religious belief is an acceptable lifestyle so is being a Goth.Why should a young person who is into the Goth lifestyle be told there jewellery or hairstyle is unacceptable?That would contravene there human right to self expression.The case of Goths came to mind as I heard a mother on the radio talk about her daughter who was beaten to death in a park for looking different.The mother is now campaigning for more tolerance of other people.So its not a trivial issue.
OK I know I was being overly simplistic but I believe many of the roots of Lambeth's problems go back to the demise of ILEA which meant that in the period of less than 3 years Lambeth had to get a completely new education department up and running.

And I dont think if the council had been under the control of any of the other parties any different decisions would have been made. I think the basic problem is that local government has been underfunded and 'meddled' with by central government for the last 20-30 years and so councils have not had enough money to spend as they wished and so had to make hard choices.

Actually Bob is right.The Labour party was in power when it decided to sell off several school sites.It argued that the school roll was falling.Many parents objected.The isnt to do with the demise of ILEA or the evil Thatcher regime.New Labour fell over themselves to be "modernising" and prudent.The result that they sold valuable sites for short term financial reasons.This has meant they now lack land to build schools on.

If anything there should be a moratorium on land sales.If sites are sold it should be for not for profit organisations.With agreements in lease etc that it must stay in social use or return to the Council.
The worst thing about the that was the way it was done. Rumours emanated (from Lambeth, I believe) saying that Lambeth were considering Dick Shepherd for closure, parents decided not to put it down as a choice for obvious reasons, numbers dwindled, then Lambeth said falling rolls, close school, sell site.

It was almost as cynical as Lambeth saying, we intend to comply with (then) existing legislation that large employers have to have 3% registered disabled employees so no job will be open to anyone who isn't registered disabled. Of course they couldn't do it so it was basically an employment freeze by the back door but blaming people with disabilities for not flocking to become dustmen, school dinner ladies, experienced finance controllers etc etc. The vast majority of Lambeth premises were inaccessible for wheechairs, no induction loops etc etc
Oh went for the open day to Evelyn grace.and gotta say was well impressed.
have seen a few school over the last few weeks and gotta say this was the best.
only thing with it is the longer days..starts at 8.30 ends at 5 pm so alot different.
but my son dont seem to be bothered by that.he liked it too.
Oh went for the open day to Evelyn grace.and gotta say was well impressed.
have seen a few school over the last few weeks and gotta say this was the best.
only thing with it is the longer days..starts at 8.30 ends at 5 pm so alot different.
but my son dont seem to be bothered by that.he liked it too.

8:30 TIL 5!? Thats evil! Do they get homework on top of that? I would hope not. Kids are supposed to have lives. You want to do a bit of playing between 4 and 5 after school in the summer months. How awful that they're stuck in school for a full adult working day (PLUS HALF AN HOUR). That is criminal.
The school is an academy and will be run by ARK, not Lambeth Council - so no proper democratic accountability and they will have ability to control admission procedures. So I can imagine they will just select the 'right' pupils and hey presto, their results will be great!

ARK are a group of wealthy hedge fund managers who appear to have made their money through short selling shares and screwing our economy - the kind of activity Gordon Brown called 'irresponsible'. Welcome to the fold chaps! :(
To be fair to ARK - I went for an interview at another of their academies - and they most certainly hadn't selected the best students - not at that point anyways.. whilst I was at the interview they were chasing some students who had stolen a moped and were driving it around the playing fields...

Certainly the teachers I spoke to there were very passionate about their students and very against any kind of selection of the best students. Whether their management always remains committed is another matter - it will be interesting to see.

My school is also currently facing closure in order to be turned into an academy. :(
I've been reading this thread with a lot of interest - particularly good to hear from teachers with experience of various academies. My younger son is in year 6 so we are one week off from having to send off the dreaded form applying for secondary school. I went to see Evelyn Grace school recently and still cant make up my mind whether it is fabulous or sinister. Of all the schools I saw the teachers were the most enthusiastic, and although I didnt visit when the kids were there, friends who did go during the school day said that the teaching was good and all the pupils were focused and engaged in what was going on. Other schools I've visited as a prospective parent did not give this impression, with children rolling up late to lessons, or calling out in class. In one class a boy sitting at the back had an earphone in one ear - god knows what he was listening to.

On the other hand...the length of the school day is really off putting. I get the impresssion that the idea is to keep the children off the streets and away from the influence of local anti-academic culture, either at home or among their peers. I dont go a bundle on the rigid discipline. And what will happen to the school when all the hedge fund managers who donate to the charity which runs its parent organisation, decide they havent got any spare cash anymore to give away?

My older son did the classic Year 7 drift at his secondary school, were I feel somewhat disappointed by the not-very-high expectations of pupils and what seems like fairly unimaginative teaching. Though he is happy and does loads of sport.

Anyhow, my main reservation about Evelyn Grace, apart from those above is that it is still an unknown quantity, and nothing establised in terms of clubs, choirs, etc that new children can slot in to.

My most local school is Stockwell High which has had the most glowing Ofsted reports imaginable. I've been at two open day events so far, and on neither did any of the senior management team make an appearance, which I found very offputting. Plus not one of their GSCE students managed to get an A in English.

These are typical ramblings of the Lambeth year 6 parent. And I know that life doesnt get much easier once the little darlings are ensconsed in their new big schools and you find yourself trying to offset some of the deficiences of the rather indifferent education that they are subjected too.

In one class a boy sitting at the back had an earphone in one ear - god knows what he was listening to.


The long day - is it curriculum lessons all day - or is the last couple of hours "homework club" or some other kind of arrangement which involves extra-curricular activities of some sort? It does seem like a long day for the teachers as much as the students.
It looks like most of the activities at the end of the school day are things like sport, music, art and what the school calls 'catch up' lessons. I think that pupils can do their homework then as well.

I tried to arrange another visit to the school this week, and though I dont think it will work out I had a very good response from the senior management team, including an email from the head from his Blackberry (looks like he was about to get on a plane).

I'll probably put this school quite high on my application form, though it does seem like taking a big gamble (main school not built yet).

All this angsting is not good at all. I know that in other parts of the country all kids just go to the local secondary and get on with it. What bliss! I'm just telling myself that since all the available local schools have as many drawbacks as advantages I'll be taking a chance whatever I do, and we will all just have to make the best of it. The only thing I'm sure about is choosing a co-ed school and one not miles and hours away from home.
I went to see Evelyn Grace school recently and still cant make up my mind whether it is fabulous or sinister. Of all the schools I saw the teachers were the most enthusiastic,

I went to see Evelyn Grace school last night, and this pretty much sums up how I feel.

It's been open a full year now, and the results in terms of achievement / academic progress do seem very good, so they must be doing something right.

I do find the attitude to discipline somewhat intense - I can easily foresee myself being phoned to collect from detention on a regular basis. And the lining up in the playground (which I've walked past in the mornings) does seem a bit on the military side.

But I do think children can respond well to very rigid, understandable structure in the right circumstances. And it does seem their aim is to encourage self-discipline rather than rules for the sake of rules.

I was very, very impressed with the subject teachers - and maybe all the externally visible disciplinary structure allows them to get on teaching?

I know a child who goes there & they do mention the discipline ('it's like a prison' were the exact words :D ) but they clearly do enjoy the teaching so :confused:.

And of course the new building - which may well be amazing - is an unknown quantity as yet.

Also, they absolutely don't select on anything other than distance from the school... but the Head did say "if you can't cope with a strict uniform policy it's not the school for you" so I wonder if there may be a (minor?) element of self-selection, in that if, as a parent, you didn't think you could cope with their strictness, you wouldn't send your children there.
I agree, but if a child gets injured in a surge in a corridor because others are pushing from behind (and I've seen it happen) that's not stifling freedom, it's not keeping children safe. The only two times I've been really scared in a school are during situations like that where I've been really worried about a child getting crushed.

It is also not particularl nice for pregnant teachers being caught up in it. I.E me:p
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