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*What book are you reading ?

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model 500
I'm reading "By Myself" by Lauren Bacall ; it's very good than-you very much.

What about you ?
"All families are psychotic" Douglas Coupland.

Very good so far. Never like Microserfs but Girlfriend in a Coma and Miss Wyoming were great.

Also got "The Dark Room" to finish off - ok..bit dull

And "The count of Monte Cristo" - long haul one but an AMAZING story

And Calvin and Hobbes..
I’m re-reading for the xth time Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency by the sorely missed Douglas Adams.
A Cavern of Grey Ice, by J V Jones. It's books two of the sword of Shadows trilogy, and is shapeing up to be the best fantasy series I've read since Roboin Hobbs Farseer/Liveship books.
"inventing herself" by elaine showalter - a collection of short biographies of feminists, right through from mary woolstonecraft to the present day (germaine greer et al).

also a children's version of the tales of king arthur's court - i had a sudden urge to brush up on my myths!

and (yes i like to have a few on the go at once ;) ) the trueman capote reader - a collection of his short stories, travel essays, journalistic bits and bobs and of course breakfast at tiffany's. it's excellent but i kinda dip in and out. i'm liking the travel essays, not something which has ever appealed before but i think capote has converted me!
tim pat coogan, "wherever green is worn" it's basically about the spread of the irish and their descendents throughout the world...or in posh words the Irish Diaspora, picked it up because I'm part of that process, my parents both left the emerald isle in the late 50s and settled in this country, others from the family went to the us and to canada...it goes back around 500 years as the irish have always wanted to leave and millions have...
The Acid House - Irvine Welsh (is that how you spell his name?:o )

I'm really enjoying it even though some bits are disturbing. I'm already wary of dismissing people as 'just junkies' tbh and this book brings that position home. He's an excellent writer imo.

The two line short stories were a bit of a surprise. :D

edited for spelling :rolleyes:
Just finished "Aberystwyth Mon Amour", which is sort of noir gumshoe pastiche set in Aberystwyth. Seems obvious now doesn't it? I bought it cos I know that part of Wales well, but it was good fun anyway.

Now reading the Phillip Pullman Dark Materials trilogy. Escapist fantasy and I can't put the bastard thing down at all.
After the "favourite character..." thread I've started re-reading more of my old Captain Hornblower books. I'm on "The Commodore" at the moment.

Which is rather a distraction, since I was reading, and really enjoying, Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent."
the subtlety of emotions by Aaron Ben-Ze'ev. it's a bit of a textbook but sometimes i need to go back to school on them.

dr johnson's tour of the highlands and journey to the western isles

and colin thubron's in siberia - really cool travel writer going to obscure pplaces with great sympathy for his subjects

and gunther grass's the tin drum but it's hard.... and wierd
i'm reading a few at the moment depending on what mood im in - 'adventures with The Flea' by Jim Perrin, whos a sort of mad ass climber who writes about travelling around the world. Its cool, but the language is a little too flowerer for my liking, also reading the 'O'Reily pocket guide to CSS', cos i'm a nerd :-), and last of all 'DMT - The Spirit Molecule' by Rick Strassman. Cheesy title i admit, but its a scientific study of the psychedelic, DMT. V interesting..
Originally posted by TheSpinyLobster
If not now, when - Primo Levi
Oooh. What a book. I think it's his only full length novel (the rest are autobiographical, or short stories). It was the first Levi I read, and I couldn't get enough of it, it so many ways.

Currently, a step down here, I'm reading The Rotters Club by Jonathon Coe. Not as good as What a Carve Up (which is very good), but good nonetheless. Makes me laugh on the tube.

The Alexandrian Quartet by Laurence Durrell for about the fifth time, keep dipping into it.

The Collected Short Stories of Somerset Maugham, brilliant.Again I dip in and out.

Just completed the Last Summer by Ian Crichton Smith, nostalgic evocative novel about a boy on a remote Scottish island. Too much football. I was amused to notice that on a page where a character said 'fancy not knowing the Gaelic for Indian summer' someone, probably my mother in law, had supplied the missing phrase. Well I did find it among her books.

How many of you write or underline in books you read?
I'm reading three at the moment...very sloooowwwwly mind...

Millroy the magician...... Paul Theroux
He's Louis Theroux's dad.
Damn good it is too.:p

Fast food nation....*
Out of it...*

* Both are in me motor and I can't be arsed to go and get them but they're both big sellers at the moment.:)
ps and quite rightly so.
[How many of you write or underline in books you read]?
i do..:o

red faction....classic book :D
quote from it..
fuck off back to italy and take t-at cunt cascarino wit- you.....
seriously funny or racist:confused: :D :p
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