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Your chance to publicly ask your MP for evidence!  


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Hi everyone

I'm Annie, the communities officer at Sense about Science, a charity that champions the public interest in sound science and ensure evidence is recognised in public life and policy making. This is your chance to shape Evidence Week 2022 by raising the issues that matter to you in our launch event.

Evidence Week in Parliament is an opportunity we open up to make sure you are represented in parliament and can create real change. We want you to ask politicians for the evidence behind policies and research on issues that matter to you. It’s quick and easy to email your MP using our online form, and we’ll follow up your message to ensure you get an answer:Ask for Evidence   

Submit your question now for the chance to ask your question during the online opening public panel discussion at (5pm on Monday 14 November) and get a live answer on the record from your MP and our panel of experts.

We want as many people as possible to get the answers they deserve, so please spread the word by sharing this message.
Annie (Communities Officer at Sense about Science) 
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