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Yellow fever vaccine your cheerful tales of it being fine please

She tried to sell me about 7 additional vaccines, actual hard sell type feeling, will read about it all and have a think but that was uncomfortable, maybe that’s normal with private medical experiences idk.
She tried to sell me about 7 additional vaccines, actual hard sell type feeling, will read about it all and have a think but that was uncomfortable, maybe that’s normal with private medical experiences idk.
Japanese encephalitis? Remember people being sceptical about necessity pf that as iirc it's mainly caught off pigs, but since I was coming to do rural development did get it. Seem to recall mine we're free too in those distant halcyon days, or I was able to claim cost back.
Japanese encephalitis? Remember people being sceptical about necessity pf that as iirc it's mainly caught off pigs, but since I was coming to do rural development did get it. Seem to recall mine we're free too in those distant halcyon days, or I was able to claim cost back.
Hepatitis A, typhoid, meningitis, tetanus & polio . Some of those I’ve had but too long ago apparently.
Hepatitis A, typhoid, meningitis, tetanus & polio . Some of those I’ve had but too long ago apparently.
Had a tetanus booster the other week after squishing my toe a bit, cheap here and one I would definitely go for. Don't want small cut going nasty. Apparently should get one every five years.
Eta hep A seems wise precaution too.
Hepatitis A, typhoid, meningitis, tetanus & polio . Some of those I’ve had but too long ago apparently.
That sounds a bit like the vaccine shopping list I had ages ago before visiting Egypt, I had a few of them at the time and although desperate to feel rough enough to justify a day or two on the sick, I couldn't :D
Hepatitis A, typhoid, meningitis, tetanus & polio . Some of those I’ve had but too long ago apparently.

I’d get all of those. Everything except rabies which was expensive. Cheaper to get a stick to beat back dogs.
I’d get all of those. Everything except rabies which was expensive. Cheaper to get a stick to beat back dogs.

We used a lot of rabies vaccine in Germany. Squaddies who got bitten by wildlife on exercise were routinely dosed. The oddest report was someone bitten by a squirrel.
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I will read up, but she seemed overly keen to give me all of the injections today and charge me whatever hundreds of quid which was not attractive.
IIRC it wasn’t just the relative risk of catching the disease that was the main factor, it was also whether or not you were likely to be able to get the required medical care in a suitable timeframe where you were going - eg I was (supposed to be) going on a environmental monitoring trip (counting insects basically 😄) way inland near the Gabon/Congo border - ie somewhat past the middle of nowhere, hence recommended everything possible. In the end never left (imperial College field station in) Berkshire. To be fair, didn’t contract yellow fever.
I had one years ago with no adverse effects at all. The only vaccine that ever put me to bed for the day was one for cholera. And I still have the scar ...
Foreign office page was a very depressing read, unsurprisingly. Possibly the most unhelpful bit of advice I’ve ever seen on a government website : “do not give cash to the police”.
Always good advice TBF...
I'll be a negative Norman. I had it back in 1989; I got very bad cold like symptoms that lasted 12 hours over night afterwards.

But then a. I didn't get Yellow Fever and b. it was 33 years ago so the technology has probably moved on a tad.
I was quite sick after the yellow fever vaccine. started about 2 days afterwards and was really nasty. was sick for like 5-6 days and its all a blur tbh. Actual yellow fever must be really rough!

HTH. there had to be one... :thumbs:
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