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X factor thread

Think through the format of the show. Do the maths. Work out if the voting public actually has any say in what happens.

Yeah, I know that. I can also see that the voting between the judges, even at this stage, is completely set up. It is also blazingly obvious when simon stops someone singing what they want and makes them sing something else that it's set up. However, all that is something different from allowing some auditionees to have access to technology that allows them to sing in tune when they can't.
ah good, watched this last night and noticed two auto-tuned acts and was wondering if they were actually autotuned or were just picking it up and singing that way from hearing it all the time.. one was the girl from g&s, and the other was the release me woman with the baby.

We decided that they autotune acts that they want to get through the early stages but don't have a good enough singing voice. Not entirely sure why they want the g&s girl to go through if her singing is poor, possibly for the interplay between her and her friend, the release me woman though they probably think will give some good viewing mileage for her bonkersness. She even sounded autotuned when she was talking.

I'm glad it wasn't just us that were questioning it.
I enjoyed the first show... I love watching it wiht my daughter who is now 7 & 1/2... Each year she gets into it differently. This year she is singing along with some of the songs.
They've admitted that autotune was added to some contestants during post production "due to the large number of microphones being used"

Which doesn't make any sense from a technical point of view :D

Methinks some arses are desperately being covered...
They've admitted that autotune was added to some contestants during post production "due to the large number of microphones being used"

Which doesn't make any sense from a technical point of view :D

Methinks some arses are desperately being covered...

:D what a strange excuse to use. I guess people will just accept it, not having any knowledge of technical matters but you'd think they would come up with a better excuse.
I wonder what some of the contestants will sound like in the future shows. I would guess they won't use auto tune again.

e2a: during POST-production? that makes even less sense, I mean I can't think why a large number of microphones would mean needing to add autotune live anyway but surely they were auto-tuning live? Did they say who they added auto-tune to?
It would seem they added it to make it more 'listenable' through tv or something like that, AFTER the show - anyway, a big fuss will be made out of this, but I really don't see what the problem is. It's the old 'Let's all get massively outraged at something that doesn't matter' syndrome...

Either they're rigging it by putting auto-tune on those that can sing - there was none that I could glean on that geeky bloke who nearly fell in Cheryl's lap, but you could deffo hear it on the girl who sang (half of) "Creep" - or they're putting it on because they don't think the audience at home can cope without it, little not-to-be-alarmed-consumers that we are. Either way, it's bullshine, and hopefully will be stopped immediately.

Just watched Jamie Archer and Danyl Johnson's auditions on YouTube - no autotune whatsoever, in fact when Jamie went quite out of tune at one point it was obvious there was nowt on his voice bar reverb.
Gamu was great.

The expression on Cowell's face when someone with geniune talent sings is funny. You can almost see the pound signs and hear a cackle as he plans to manipulate that talent for maximum profit.

He's an evil genius.
I think this is dodgier than the post autotune stuff:
Katie Waissel will probably get disqualified - it would appear she has a record contract as well as extensive experience! And she looks much better with dark hair!
I see Autotunegate is kicking off in the media. Personally I think it's funny- "Fake talent show uses fake vocal effects" shock!

You'd almost think they were trying to manipulate the viewers! :eek:
I actually rewatched that 'RELEASE ME' again on youtube last night. Strangely compelling.
Haha, me too, twice! It is strangely compelling- you couldn't call it a 'good' performance by conventional standards, but it's captivating...

She was funny too- Louis says, "it was almost like you were making it up as you went along" and she says, "I did!" :D

Shirlena ftw!
I'm also amused, not outraged - I don't normally watch x-factor, I don't listen to that end of music and I don't care, it just amuses me how much they can fake it all. I'm not a fan of auto-tune in general, but I understand why pop acts use it and am not bothered about it in the slightest. I was slightly surprised when I heard it though, as I thought there would be enough people with good voices that they wouldn't have any need to do it.
I like the headline "X Factor admits to vocal tweaks", it is so fucking obvious they could hardly deny it. I suppose they thought the 'dumb public' would not even notice, the funny thing is, most viewers probably didn't.

They did though didn't they - hence the kerfuffle. 'Dumb public' attitude from you dere.
How is it 'a fake talent show'?

Maybe not completaly fake but the some of the production is just see-through.

Like 'g&s' was it? The bloke cant sing for shit and dances like a moron, when the girl sang you could (well i could) tell the audiance response was artificail... and it then goes on to having her sing on her own and its all dramatic etc...

load of bollox, my missis falls for it every singe time, it upsets me coz it insults my f*ckin intelligence abit. The judges know plenty about the acts b4 they go on, all there looks of suprise etc.. is just bull shit prodcuction and its scary that so many people fall for it.

no posts for two weeks! :facepalm:

so, storm was a fucking wanker, and shit at singing too. cher was good but i thought too good for x-factor and should have waited to do something a bit more original with her career. the best bit was this though...

Fucking hell, Pixie Lott has had a couple of hits and now she's deciding other peoples futures. What are they fucking thinking of, what a shit judge.
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