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Recommendation X Box Series S - worth getting?


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Hi folks, I have a Switch and PS5 and have just got a year's free Game Pass Ultimate. Don't really feel like forking out for the full fat X Box but wondered is the S model worth it? Anyone have one, any plus or negatives?
Why would you want one if you have a PS5? Any particular titles on one that aren't on the other that would make you pull the trigger?
I suppose a year's worth of free access to to games (if you happen to like any of them) could be tempting. But they're not really free given you'd have to pay for the console, and maybe a gold account, and then continue with the game pass sub if you're into it.
I'm always dubious about free trial subs given they generally exist to draw you into an ecosystem of continuing it.
Why would you want one if you have a PS5? Any particular titles on one that aren't on the other that would make you pull the trigger?
I suppose a year's worth of free access to to games (if you happen to like any of them) could be tempting. But they're not really free given you'd have to pay for the console, and maybe a gold account, and then continue with the game pass sub if you're into it.
I'm always dubious about free trial subs given they generally exist to draw you into an ecosystem of continuing it.
As said free gamepass, and now with MS owning so many things curious about being able to play games that won't make it to PS5...
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