I repeat my post from the "Democracy" thread, cos the answer/issue is the same:
The issue didn't cause a "huge stink" at the time, because it was and is no big deal ! The Iraq war Bill that Tam Dalyell was proposing was merely a" Private Members Bill". Private Members Bills, if not specifically supported by the government of the day - (VERY RARE, but in which rare case it gets the required parliamentary time allocated to it by the Government of the day to allow it to go through its many stages), are at the joke " pure show -off and posturing" end of the Parliamentary process. Dalyell perfectly well knew there was no chance whatsoever of his Bill getting either sufficient parliamentary time allocated, or, equally importantly, the required majority of VOTES at any stage of the multi-stage Parliamentary process from his craven fellow Labour MP colleagues, or Lib Dems, to become an Act of Parliament. ie, law. The Government used the technical non award of the Queen's consent simply to put this no-hoper out of its misery, and avoid wasting everybody's time. (Don't suppose Her Maj even knew about it).The gainer ? Step forward Tam Dalyell, with a bit of cynical anti war posturing to please us Lefties, and presumeably his constituents. "Ooooooh you are just such a rebel Tam !" Meanwhile Tam and his craven Labourite quisling chums carry on as the usual collaborator Labour MP's do, having sworn their fealty to The Crown. Iraq gets the "Heavy collateral damage Imperialist Liberation treatment" - and Tam keep slurping up all those lovely expense claims ! (£18,000 for two bookcases bunged in by Tam the Rebel, just before he retired !)
This thread seems surprised that Prince Charles has been consulted on every possible Bill that might impinge on his Duchy of Cornwall interests. But The British Constitution is very peculiar, not written anywhere as a single document, but instead constantly cobbled together via" historical custom and practice". So our current modern BOURGEOIS Parliamentary Democracy is still heavily influenced by our past non Bourgeois Democratic systems of rule, by various forms of Monarchy and Monarchy/aristocracy partnerships. This has left huge nominal reserve powers in the hands of the Monarch. In most periods this is purely nominal - as ceremonial and irrelevant as the State Opening of Parliament. However, in a real social crisis, for instance in which a radical Left government tried to legislate to nationalise key industries, REALLY tax the rich, introduce controls on capital flows,etc, it is really only the crude balance of class forces outside Parliament which would determine whether the UK's capitalist class would ignore "Democracy" and use all this age old "nominal" set of Monarch's prerogative powers to block radical legislation or even "legalise" a military coup. Remember in the UK we are all "Subjects" of the Monarch, NOT "Citizens", and the armed forces swear loyalty to the Queen, NOT, the "people" or even "Parliament". The Queen is the head honcho of the Ruling Class, NOT our big cuddly, politically neutral, pal !
The entire ramshackle UK Constitution is a potential beartrap to a future radical government trying to change the status quo for the better. The reason the Attlee government got away with its (radical but definately not revolutionery) post 1945 nationalisation programme and the high taxation of the rich, and the establishment of the welfare state was because of the potential threat of millions of demobbed soldiers and their relatives demanding radical change - and the ruling class not feeling strong enough to take em on. Today, the bastards think we're collectively a bunch of spineless wankers - so much so that even though they're robbing us blind through the "austerity programme" they still feel confident enough to slash the police force and cut their wages ! Any future radical UK Government would need to frighten the ruling capitalist class with its extra Parliamentary forces to have any chance of getting round the constitutional status quo-preserving beartrap that the Monarch's prerogative powers actually represent. We might need that Guillotine yet !