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Woooo-oh; the cats of Brixton

do cats remember much?

Oh they remember!
Have had a long relationship (13 years) with a neighbour/friends cat. They moved and so did the cat. Didn't see them for four years. Went to visit and the cat was sunbathing on roof heard my voice and came running to greet me partly delighted, partly annoyed. Where have you been? It was like two old cats in an urban Serengeti acknowledging each other's survival.
Now this was one lovely cat. It was outside the Barrier Block running around. I called it over and it immediately made itself at home on my knee, purring wildly. It had no collar, but didn't half remind me of the cat that came over our balcony a few years ago and - if I may make such a potentially daft statement - it sure seemed very comfortable with me. I wonder if it is the same puddy tat and remembered me (do cats remember much?)

but bear in mind cats can do time travel (it's a way of getting extra snacks) so it may only have been a week or so back that the cat visited you last...

There seems to be a nigh-on endless supply of market cats. In Brixton Village today I met these two:

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This guy is adorably friendly but boy oh boy what a fatty. He seems to belong to the Cornercopia; clearly there's good eating to be had for cats there.

That fella there, he was strolling along the edge of the market, down by the wall near Casa Sibilla, and he stopped over the drain, had a pee, and strolled on his way.

My cat goes in the drain too! I only discovered this today when we were going for a walk. She stopped using her tray weeks ago and I was dreading complaints from neighbours about shit in flower pots or something. What a little star she is. A cat genius.
Kiss Kiss of Brixton Market pursued by Child 3
Cat lovers of Brixton - I have got a very exciting present for you. I'm a veritable Santa Claus! Have you all been good enough to receive it?
I'm afraid you're all going to have to be good a bit longer. Santa's elves are still working on it. The finishing touches are being prepared, but the elves are moaning about minimum wage or something :confused: I can't afford to pay them overtime and Homeland is on in a minute anyway. I'll put them back to work to have it for all the good Brixton forum children in the morning.
I'm afraid you're all going to have to be good a bit longer. Santa's elves are still working on it. The finishing touches are being prepared, but the elves are moaning about minimum wage or something :confused: I can't afford to pay them overtime and Homeland is on in a minute anyway. I'll put them back to work to have it for all the good Brixton forum children in the morning.

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Loving your work, colacubes.

The fish shop on Atlantic Rd just past Electric Avenue has a very cute and friendly tabby kitten. Will see if I can get a photo next time I pass.
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