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Wild Weekend, Benidorm - reports and photos!


Just got back from an outstanding time at the Wild Weekend in Benidorm.

It was a hoot!

The weather was fabulous, the beers cheap and the club nights were a sensation.

Eme managed to battle through her bronchitis to dance every night with the Actionettes and there was a hefty bunch of Urbanites out there partying wildly (10 of us!).

Photos and reports to follow!
You went to Benidorm?

I'm intrigued, the european city that never sleeps....mainly due to the noise of brash comedians playing rooms full of Brits drunk on 1 euro lager..

how did you find it
Benidorm's an utter fucking Brit tourist hell hole, but glad you had a good time there nonetheless ed.
Loki said:
Benidorm's an utter fucking Brit tourist hell hole, but glad you had a good time there nonetheless ed.
It's actually a place of enormous contrasts: part of it hosts the worst kind of xenophobic, flag waving, Union Jack-bedecked bars appealing to drunken Brits keen to avoid all contact with anything foreign, while other parts are quite beautiful.

I've no idea why Brits would want to travel all that way just to sit in depressingly accurate recreations of grim 1970s northern pubs, watch truly appalling cabaret acts designed for drunkards* and eat the worst kind of Brit food imaginable, but they certainly seemed popular enough.

But walk away from the British drinking areas and there's some lovely beaches, Spanish cafés and bars to be found.

(* one bar boasted of putting on a "Lesbian Half Hour" at 1am!)
editor said:
It's actually a place of enormous contrasts: part of it hosts the worst kind of xenophobic, flag waving, Union Jack-bedecked bars appealing to drunken Brits keen to avoid all contact with anything foreign, while other parts are quite beautiful.

I've no idea why Brits would want to travel all that way just to sit in depressingly accurate recreations of grim 1970s northern pubs, watch truly appalling cabaret acts designed for drunkards* and eat the worst kind of Brit food imaginable, but they certainly seemed popular enough.

But walk away from the British drinking areas and there's some lovely beaches, Spanish cafés and bars to be found.

(* one bar boasted of putting on a "Lesbian Half Hour" at 1am!)

I work with shoe factories near Alicante sometimes and I've got alot of friends there - I've always enjoyed going to Benidorm with my Spanish friends for a night out - there are some excellent bars if you avoid the touristy ones.
Benidorm was an education. But you have to take it for what it is. We all had a wonderful time and that's why we went :)

Will do photos as soon as possible :)
editor said:
It's actually a place of enormous contrasts:

That's so true.

I think the urbanites added yet another strange and exotic dimention to the Benedorm culture over the last few days.
Red Jezza said:
After I've sobered up, caught up with my sleep, worked my way through the 1,000+ emails that greeted my return, attended to admin duties and got my head together after a truly monster weekend.

And then I'll trawl through the 400 pics!

Anyway, I've already posted up one pic!
I had a great time. It's true that Benidorm is a bit of a hell hole in certain places but hanging out near the old town was nice. I would never go there on holiday ever, but would probably go to another Wild Weekend given half the chance. The atmosphere was great and all the people were super friendly. I even have a bit of a tan :)
Sounds like you had a corkin' time.....
Can't wait to see you all in your cozzies!

(costumes, not swimming cozzies! :rolleyes: :oops: ) :D
Loki said:
Benidorm's an utter fucking Brit tourist hell hole, but glad you had a good time there nonetheless ed.

dunno if that's entirely fair - in truth, i reckon it's a stretch of about 6 blocks that are really fucking grim (Hogwarts Bistro, Lennon Disco Club, Pride Of The North Pies), whereas a lot of the town is actually relatively OK, no worse than many Med resorts.. and the old town is pretty nice. lovely surroundings too.

anyway, i reckon by Saturday there were more of 'us' than 'them'.
I'm just uploading some pics now, not very many I'm afraid - I seemed to forget to take pictures - my favourites are the ones I took using my phone I think.

anyway they are here

oh and, of course if there are any there that anyone doesn't want to be there then let me know and I'll take it down ...
After reading this thread I had a dream last night that we joined you but it was a King Kurt convention you went to and it was held in freezing Scarborough North Bay.

One of the activities involved water polo whilst dressed in rockabilly gear. Mike won but all his dreds unravelled.

Sometimes I worry about my imagination, I really do. :rolleyes:
Dubversion said:
big up the MIGHTY DJ Wheelie Bin :D

we are going to go to his thing at the pillars of hercules next weds for a little reunion type dance... If anyone fancies coming it on quite early 6:30 - 9:30 or something.... and you can play wheelie bingo!
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