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Why is 'browning up' acceptable in Hollywood?

anyone who listens to the many voices criticising the use of such a stereotype, and just says 'surely blah blah blah'

Do you think Apu is a commentary on stereotypes or simply poking fun at Brown people? Or Krusty? Or Cletus? Or pretty much every other character in Simpson’s?
Surely - like many characters in the Simpson’s - Apu is a commentary on the stereotypes. Much like Krusty.

That's the standard defence with stereotype chracters in satirical shows but there have been many moments where Apu's culture and background are the butt of the joke, with no nuance or attempt to invert expectations.

There are some wonderful Apu-centric episodes but they're the ones that focus on him as a person and downplay the stereotype angle. And Apu is one of the only non-white Simpsons characters who actually gets his own storylines.
Is it antisemitic that Krusty is a moneygrubbing crap-endoring shifty old clown with a weird complex about his dad the Stetl rabbi? I don't think so.
I think the sheer scope of stereotypes in Simpsons points to steferotypes themselves being a focus of humour.
Everyone in the Simpsons is a stereotype ffs, that's the whole funniness of it. I'm part Lisa part Selma, i think.
I work in a nursery. I’m keen to ‘extend the children’s learning’. This often results in farce. See below.

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