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Who the f*ck are Socialist Appeal?


Something, something, something
I’ve had very posh students trying to palm off their weird and shit rag off on me in town.

What flavour of authoritarian communist are they pretending to be?
Is this thread due to my post on Gaza thread?

Post in thread 'Hamas/Israel conflict general thread' Hamas/Israel conflict general thread

Im not a Trot but to my mind seeing young people take an interest in politics and get out there and do something is a good thing. Given the understandable general cynicism of politics in general I come across.

To dismiss them as "posh students" is patronising.
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They're basically the members of old Militant and later recruits who didn't get expelled from the Labour Party and were never part of the Socialist Party (SPEW). I went to one of their meetings once by mistake, not knowing who they were, and I was suddenly transported back to 1981. Very strange.
They're basically the members of old Militant and later recruits who didn't get expelled from the Labour Party and were never part of the Socialist Party (SPEW). I went to one of their meetings once by mistake, not knowing who they were, and I was suddenly transported back to 1981. Very strange.
A few years ago, probably just before the pandemic, they were selling papers outside the shops round here. The young woman I spoke to when she tried to sell me one was probably a student, but not particularly posh. She seemed merely lower middle class like most of them. I was actually quite surprised that a Trot group that wasn't the SWP could still attract people so young.

I didn't buy a paper, telling her that I knew of old exactly what it would say. I walked off feeling slightly smug and 'seen-it-all-before,' but shortly afterwards a bit of a shit.
I think it's SA who have been putting up Are You A Communist Then Organise (Iirc) large posters and stickers which I've seen all over London and also several smaller towns in the south east.... As someone who appreciates flyposting it's the best effort I've seen from any left group in years
Ted Grant's split from the Militant Tendancy. Maintained Labour entrism and denounced everyone else as sectarians. Young recruits were educated to carry the vendettas of a bitter old man.They thought the workers would come flooding to them because Labour Party. Run by Alan Woods after Grant's death and went in a really quite dubious pro Russian direction. Were big on Venezuela solidarity. Don't know what they're up to now. Horrible organisation.
I think it's SA who have been putting up Are You A Communist Then Organise (Iirc) large posters and stickers which I've seen all over London and also several smaller towns in the south east.... As someone who appreciates flyposting it's the best effort I've seen from any left group in years
Yep. Seen these stickers/posters all over the place. Must have cost a fortune. Wonder if they got a bequest?

(they were also paper selling on Reading high street a few weeks back. Couple of young lads)
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