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Which cable is needed?

Bahnhof Strasse

Met up with Hannah Courtoy a week next Tuesday
Back of puter:


Want to attached two independent monitors, both have HDMI ports coming out, but only one of back of the box here. So I need an HDMI to...?

Any ideas?

which, when you go through your drawer of old cables and chargers, is guaranteed to be the one thing you don't have. :p

one will mysteriously surface once you've gone out and bought a new one, though

Display port I think.

i agree - second from top in original picture (square at one end, slanted at other) looks like display port.
You've also got HDMI there but DP is usually better for splitting outputs. You might get away with DP to HDMI for monitor one and HDMI to HDMI for monitor 2 but you need to be sure it's supported. Who made the PC?
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