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Whatsapp - how does it work ?

Maybe taking all the googly bits out is why you are missing it? I suspect it needs a google account on the phone to be able to do it. I've not installed any extra messaging apps, just using the one that has always come with Android. It's a reasonably recent feature so maybe only arrived on v12 or 13.
I'm not using an account with mine, but I did have to enable 'chat features' for messages to work over internet data - and it relies upon others also having it enabled too, otherwise falls back to SMS.
It doesn’t replace SMS, it works alongside it as a separate option.

In the world of competing operating systems, people on an iPhone, say, cannot set up an SMS chat with several others who are on android. (Although you can text them individually).

But a group can set up on WhatsApp across different operating systems and even devices. (Phones, laptops, desktops).

Last time I looked, using it on anything other than a phone looked like a right ballache, so I guess something has been improved in the last couple of years.
slightly related question - how can I send a voice message via sms on telegram? or does it have to go via messenger? also - once received, can it be encrypted, or will it need rendering?

8ball jokes, but this really is like trying to send a smoke signal via carrier pigeon in to a fax machine. SMS doesn't do voice messages (although RCS can, and seemingly some versions of it support encryption*), telegram is a wholly different (encrypted*) protocol that only works in between telegram clients (and TTBOMK telegram doesn't do SMS at all either).

* As with any encryption, it's only as trustworthy as far as you trust they key management which basically boils down to the people who write the app
Thread is why I still just text, email and call people, I'm not using half a dozen different platforms just to keep in touch!

Ditto for me - as per one of Crispy's recent posts, the last ten years has been a concerted effort from most of the tech sector to move everyone away from open standards (where anyone can implement and host their own) and corral everyone in to their own little walled gardens, maintenance for which is normally paid for by mining your personal data and selling it to the highest all the bidders, and then using said data against you in the form of advertising.

<everyone closes the tab as stdP climbs up his hill and goes on an on about how this cycle is just like the bad old days of timesharing mainframes in the 60s and 70s, only now with adverts>
Supposed to be better from a security PoV than Telegram or WhatsApp (not owned by Meta.)Signal not been mentioned yet.

I use it with a couple of people but mostly it's still WhatsApp or iMessage.
To be fair, I think you've only been able to use it on a PC/laptop for the last 7 or 8 years, so maybe you missed it.
Maybe it was just MacBooks you couldn't ue it on then. I know i tried a few years ago, and it wouldn't let me. All sorted now, so thanks! everyday is a school day.
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