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What to do in Bristol daytime?


Haytor’s gonna hate
Hello Bristol folk

I’m going to a friends birthday do Saturday week at the tobacco factory in Southville.

The birthday do starts about 2pm or so, my coach gets in at 11:30am.

Is there anything worth doing / seeing on the walk from the coach station to the tobacco factory. I thought I may look at M Shed as it’s on the way as I believe there’s some interesting history stuff therebut is there anywhere I could get a quick lunch / pint.

If the birthday thing is a bit crap (apparently the daytime is for all the friends / families so I may not know anyone there), is there anything else I can look at / do to kill the time. Ideally not spending too much money. My return coach leaves at 7pm
Hello Bristol folk

I’m going to a friends birthday do Saturday week at the tobacco factory in Southville.

The birthday do starts about 2pm or so, my coach gets in at 11:30am.

Is there anything worth doing / seeing on the walk from the coach station to the tobacco factory. I thought I may look at M Shed as it’s on the way as I believe there’s some interesting history stuff therebut is there anywhere I could get a quick lunch / pint.

If the birthday thing is a bit crap (apparently the daytime is for all the friends / families so I may not know anyone there), is there anything else I can look at / do to kill the time. Ideally not spending too much money. My return coach leaves at 7pm
go and see where that statue was before it went swimming
I’d walk there via town centre / docks And do m shed on the way past. Should kill a few hours.
Yeah I was going to say this. You can go by the colston statue too. There is usually a street food thing in the centre. Can get a bit rowdy on the side by the bars on the docks and I find the left hand side to be quieter and nicer which will lead you to the MSHED.

If you change your mind about walking to the tabcco factory you can get the 24 from centre, or Bedminster ASDA.

You probably won't have time but you can walk all the way along to the boatyard which I thought was cool when I found it.

If the weather's nice later then Queen Square is pretty nice. Depending on how much walking you want do you could look at Cabot Tower?

Bristol Cathedral is on College Green just off the centre of you like that sort of thing. You'll also go past St Mary Redcliffe which even though I'm not bothered by churches generally, but that one is quite impressive.

Otherwise could walk up Corn street which is kind of the old town and has St Nick's Market inside though it's ages since I've been there. If you fancy a bit more rowdy head up stokes croft and check out the infamous turbo island. Not sure you'll have time for some of that but just some rough ideas that spring to mind.

Hope you have a good day.
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Hello Bristol folk

I’m going to a friends birthday do Saturday week at the tobacco factory in Southville.

The birthday do starts about 2pm or so, my coach gets in at 11:30am.

Is there anything worth doing / seeing on the walk from the coach station to the tobacco factory. I thought I may look at M Shed as it’s on the way as I believe there’s some interesting history stuff therebut is there anywhere I could get a quick lunch / pint.

If the birthday thing is a bit crap (apparently the daytime is for all the friends / families so I may not know anyone there), is there anything else I can look at / do to kill the time. Ideally not spending too much money. My return coach leaves at 7pm
I was just about to offer to meet you at the mshed and for a pint....but then I realised I'm in London for the night :(
It’s a lovely day and I’m on my way to Bristol. I’m looking forward to a mooch around the harbourside on my way to MShed. I’ve got to lug a bag about so hopefully that won’t be too much of an issue.

Maybe the charity shops in Southville before I go to this birthday do at the tobacco factory

I plan to stop in a few watering holes along the way. As sunshine = shorts, sunnies & cider :cool:
It’s a lovely day and I’m on my way to Bristol. I’m looking forward to a mooch around the harbourside on my way to MShed. I’ve got to lug a bag about so hopefully that won’t be too much of an issue.

Maybe the charity shops in Southville before I go to this birthday do at the tobacco factory

I plan to stop in a few watering holes along the way. As sunshine = shorts, sunnies & cider :cool:
Any way you could drop the bag off where your staying ? Save you leaving it somewhere ? Or would that be just me ? 😀
Any way you could drop the bag off where your staying ? Save you leaving it somewhere ? Or would that be just me ? 😀
That would be the smart move but I’m sleeping on the floor of a mates hotel room (rooms are like £150+ tonight for some reason) and he doesn’t get here till later on.
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It’s a lovely day and I’m on my way to Bristol. I’m looking forward to a mooch around the harbourside on my way to MShed. I’ve got to lug a bag about so hopefully that won’t be too much of an issue.

Maybe the charity shops in Southville before I go to this birthday do at the tobacco factory

I plan to stop in a few watering holes along the way. As sunshine = shorts, sunnies & cider :cool:
If you don't want to carry bag around try this service:
Have a good trip!
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