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What sort of a person would go to this? (UK drive in rave)

If it could be done, establishing some drive in set-ups round about now would be a very good thing. It’s sorting out Car-by-car speaker set ups that is the stumbling block, I guess. Big screens are already well-trodden technology for big concerts. But if that could be solved you could actually get some theatre and live music performances going on.

Yes cars. But outside of a handful of big cities a huge proportion of hog and theatre patrons travel by car anyway.
Cars aren't even that comfortable to be in are they?

This is just a novelty. Much better off doing what most of us have been doing - sitting at home on the sofa/garden playing tunes you like and drinking cheap beer. We had our first lockdown festival this week and I reckon it's the future. :D
It's taking place in Bristol.

This looks utterly miserable to me. Like a traffic jam with music in the distance.

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I was talking about potential for a number of these venues around the country. Perhaps in big shopping centre car parks. Bicester shopping village is really near to the RSC - might be scope to stage some works there.
Or some kind of Bluetooth thing?
That was my first thought, but you'd need a fairly hefty Bluetooth speaker to come close to a car's sound system. Although I'm not sure an FM transmitter of low enough power to not require a license would be powerful enough. I'm sure it could be worked around with repeaters or something, though.
Fuck off Frank I'm not a twat because I love a rave, but possibly for other reasons!
I wouldn't go to this because I like to get high when I rave and I wouldn't be able to drive home.
I would go because I can’t drive, so Mr Thora would have to be the designated driver :D
If it could be done, establishing some drive in set-ups round about now would be a very good thing. It’s sorting out Car-by-car speaker set ups that is the stumbling block, I guess. Big screens are already well-trodden technology for big concerts. But if that could be solved you could actually get some theatre and live music performances going on.

Yes cars. But outside of a handful of big cities a huge proportion of hog and theatre patrons travel by car anyway.

You can use an unused FM frequency to broadcast the sound.
I guess its how good their sound system is. Having being getting disparaging looks from everyone round here about that afternoon a couple of months back when I accidentally made too much noise at home, I'd love to hear something loud enough.
I guess its how good their sound system is. Having being getting disparaging looks from everyone round here about that afternoon a couple of months back when I accidentally made too much noise at home, I'd love to hear something loud enough.
But if you're sat in an a big car park surrounded by loads of other cars, it's going to sound shit.
2hrs before 12 is my preferred dancing hrs these days.
Does it say you can't get out the car because then i wouldn't go. If you can dance around your designated parking spot, I'm in - if the music is my thing.
I would be very happy to have somewhere out my house to go dance right now.
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