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What magazine/paper/periodical most shaped your political thinking?

(Not sure why that Guardian half-line popped up, I thought I'd deleted it :oops: )

Let's just leave it with me thinking that you're over-generalising.
tbh I think that early access to the more radical zines/periodicals was somewhat dependent on where (& to some extent when) you grew up. In the small East Kent town that I grew up in in the 70's, getting hold of New Society was often as good as it got.:(

I have so many absolutely great memories of eagerly picking up a new edition of Schnews at protests, and especially at festivals.

And the Schnews tent at one or rwo festivals, used to be an utterly :cool: place to hang out, as well :D :) ;)
I never really was a magazine person.
I did collect a star trek monthly and the doctor who magazine for a while.
My uncle gifted me a subscription to national geographic for a number of years.
I had a subscription to new scientist for a year or so.
I briefly subscribed to newtype (Japanese anime magazine) but it cost too much and I still can't read Japanese (beyond a few simple kanji)
I did get pcpro for a number of years.

I can't say that any of them particularly shaped my political thinking. The sci-fi itself might have a bit but not really the magazines about the sci-fi.

I did also read the beano. Not sure about that one.
I always hated that miserable wanker who worked downstairs at Compendium. (This would have been mid to late 90s.) He made Housman's resident Stalinist, Max, seem like a sweetheart by comparison.
Yes, he was fucking vile. I had to put up with him when bringing in each issue of Organise! I think he went off in the end to live in the countryside, And of course Max died of a heart attack. He was obnoxious too, but sometimes funny. Oh, and he often stank of piss.
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Yes, he was fucking vile. I had to put up with him when bringing in each issue of Organise! I think he went off in the end to live in the countryside, And of course Max died of a heart attack. He was obnoxious too, but sometimes funny. Oh, and he often stank of piss.

Happy days! :D Let's be thankful none of these people ever got real power. Looking back at my time in the left (mostly trots) I struggle to come up with anyone I'd like to have seen running a bookshop, let alone a country.
Yes, he was fucking vile. I had to put up with him when bringing in each issue of Organise! I think he went off in the end to live in the countryside, And of course Max died of a heart attack. He was obnoxious too, but sometimes funny. Oh, and he often stank of piss.

Sad to read about Max. Max always had a twinkle in his eye when he was being obnoxious in Housmans, and it's almost like everyone knew it was like a pantomime. ("Max is being Max again".)

That bloke in Compendium was just fucking weird and toxic. I never had to directly deal with him but I witnessed him in action a few times when some poor sod had come in with some magazines and pamphlets or, worse, actually wanted paid for their stuff that had been sold. Just no need to be that much of a cunt. We all have our bad days, but he was doing a good impression of someone having a bad life, and decided to take it out on the rest of us.
Might as well stick this here, as a general newspaper-related thing: West Mercia Police emailing Dope to ask about referring potential vendors to them.
I'm PC 21510 Cat HUGHES, I currently work on the Safer Neighbourhood Team out of Shrewsbury Town Centre. A few of our (previous) homeless community currently sell your magazines. This has had a majorly impressive and positive impact on their behaviour and lifestyle. We still have a number of individuals that are begging, causing Anti Social Behaviour and Offending. I was curious whether there was a referral mechanism for your selves that myself and my team (and maybe one day even wider force wide) could use to refer one of our homeless members of the community to yourself to encourage them to work and earn money for them selves.
For reference, here's a recent Dope article:
So I'm going to be moving to a new apartment. I've been holding off getting print subscriptions to publications until I get a long term rental however now that it's that time I'm looking for recommendations.

Ideally I'd like 2-3 journals that are "theoretical" as broadly defined as one could call them and one that's a regular print publication which is reliably informative and has a decent schedule.

I was thinking for my "theoretical" journals I'd probably do the new left review, the monthly review, and maybe Spectre magazine since I know some people working on that project and I want to express some solidarity to them even if my politics differ.

I'm not sure what I should do for a regular periodical.

I suppose I'm curious what periodicals you would all recommend for me, be they theoretical or regular news periodicals.
Didn't realise Spectre was actually print. Uh, I was going to suggest you could have a look at Strike magazine but I think that ceased publication in 2017 looking at it. Tribune seems not that bad to me? Dunno how expensive it is to get paper copies of the Brooklyn Rail sent over here, but their Field Notes section is pretty mint. Is New Inquiry still going and a paper thing? LRB?
Again, idk how much they charge for shipping, but I suppose The Baffler hits that combination of publishing relatively interesting stuff, actually being in print and having a regular publishing schedule? I subscribe to Dope, but suspect that's probably way too lightweight for what you're looking for.
Didn't realise Spectre was actually print. Uh, I was going to suggest you could have a look at Strike magazine but I think that ceased publication in 2017 looking at it. Tribune seems not that bad to me? Dunno how expensive it is to get paper copies of the Brooklyn Rail sent over here, but their Field Notes section is pretty mint. Is New Inquiry still going and a paper thing? LRB?
I might look into the brooklyn rail. Does the tribune cover USAsian news? I forgot to say that I'm an american
I might look into the brooklyn rail. Does the tribune cover USAsian news? I forgot to say that I'm an american
Oh, didn't realise that, I was assuming you were British. Fwiw, Tribune was bought out by the publishers of Jacobin a few years back, so I guess you'd probably just be best off getting that, or their Catalyst thing, if you wanted something from that corner of the market, guessing you probably already have views on Jacobin one way or another. Um, could look at the Nation, New Politics, or In These Times, I suppose, they all sometimes publish interesting stuff? And could see if either the NY or LA Reviews suit your taste instead of getting the London one?
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