Goodbye, Dragon Inn
2003 film directed by Tsai Ming-Liang. An old cinema on its last legs is showing King Hu's martial arts film Dragon Inn to an audience in single figures on a rainy evening in Taipei before closing for good. Shiang-chyi Chen plays the woman running the ticket office and generally doing most of the jobs around the place and she spends most of the film trying to leave some kind of a cake for the projectionist as a gift, while Kiyonobu Mitamura is a gay Japanese tourist who has picked a really hopeless cruising spot. And that's about it really. It took me a while to get into this, it's a incredibly slow sequence of scenes with very little plot, the camera never moves, there's hardly any dialogue - I think the first proper line is halfway through the film - but once I got used to the style I found it totally brilliant. It creates so much atmosphere, something about the stillness and the quiet draws you into the environment which is visually stunning and with fantastic sound design and lighting. Great subtle performances from the cast as well, watching Shiang-chyi Chen stare gloomily at her untouched gift for several minutes while the unseen projectionist's cigarette slowly burns down on the side was weirdly captivating.
It really helped that the overall melancholy tone has some moments of comedy, Mitamura's character has some genuinely funny scenes. Probably one you need to be in the right mood for but I thought it was excellent, will definitely try and watch some more of Tsai's work.