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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Green Mile

Some great character acting performances. Slow and steady pace. Beautifully shot. Shed a tear at the end.

Am I right in thinking the whole John Coffey healing ability story arch is an analogy for what the African peoples brought to the US might have achieved had they not been shackled? As in, how much would US society had benefited if those people were free to excell and exceed. Yes, I know capitalism would have still have had them working long and hard but you get my point.
Nude for Satan.

An early seventies Italian film that looked hilariously bad: 'demented' and 'sex spider' being the key words I recall, along, perhaps, with 'full of lesbianism and satanism'. Directed by Luigi Batzella, in a rare outing under his actual name, it has a vaguely interesting premise- time confused couples who must find...ohhh something, something, or Satan. Sadly, this high promise was not fulfilled and it was the worst piece of anything I have ever seen. I could have done a better job in every single aspect of its production, including being a lesbian. It isn't even so bad it's good, it's just bad and boring. The erotic moments were distinctly less erotic than watching the puppets in Team America. A fifth rate Jean Rollin.

But still better than Wonder Woman 84
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Nude for Satan.

An early seventies Italian film that looked hilariously bad: 'demented' and 'sex spider' being the key words I recall, along, perhaps, with 'full of lesbianism and satanism'. It has a vaguely interesting premise- time confused couples who must find...ohhh something, something, or Satan. Sadly, this high promise was not fulfilled and it was the worst piece of anything I have ever seen. I could have done a better job in every single aspect of its production, including being a lesbian. It isn't even so bad it's good, it's just bad and boring. The erotic moments were distinctly less erotic than watching the puppets in Team America. A fifth rate Jean Rollin.

But still better than Wonder Woman 84

what is this thing about WW84? I haven't read anything about it but it keeps popping up.
what is this thing about WW84? I haven't read anything about it but it keeps popping up.
It's poorly written with unspecial effects and a waste of decent actors and characters. I would give it being distinctly sexier than NfS though.
Watched Spinal Tap again the other day. So many times now and I still hear lines I missed the first 15 times.

the Stonehenge fiasco

all arguing about the Stonehenge replica

'let's not make a big deal about all of this'

Harry Shearer 'making a big deal out of this would have been the right thing to do'
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