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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

The 4th Kind - Shit docufilm with touches of Blair Witch. Forgettable like an extended X-Files without the characters.
Auf Weidersehen Pet, Series 1 episode 5 - when Neville gets the job in the Indian restuarant in Dusseldorf - great stuff!
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beat the devil.

directed by john huston, written by huston and truman capote, starring humphrey bogart, peter lorre, robert morley and gina lollobrigida.

you would think it would be great but it wasn't. utter shit. i had to turn it off.

i need to watch 'the maltese falcon' to cleanse myself now.
The secrets in their eyes...never knew where it was going at times but I loved the odd bits of humour between the two cops, a good film on the whole, 7/10
recent viewing : two episodes of Henry's Cat series 2, including the spoon bending one. Complete with a lolsome reference to being a "world champion bender" :D:oops: plus another quick apperance of the bucktoothed squinty eyed Chinaman :mad:

The Professionals - Old Dog New Tricks :cool: & lol in places.
Bodie had to rip open Pamela Stephenson's blouse to get rid of the hand grenade down her cleavage :D
Didn't get it from the handful of episodes I caught when I could still get itv4 but Bodie and Doyle are one of the few things where I definitely get the reason for the existence of slash.

today: The Usual Suspects - with John Ottman's commentary (music composer and film editor) Good stuff about how he cheated in the editing to make it like they'd got more footage than they actually had, and changes to the plot.
Avatar the last airbender.
I want a flying bison :cool:
What the fuck is that? :D

Star Trek, the new one.

I thought I'd seen this, but I didn't remember any of it.

Better than I expected.
Inception - it will have a devoted cult following, and definitely a thrilling spectacle, but it just didn't have heart, you feel me?

Easy Rider - now this is more like it. Saw it on the big screen too, like it's meant to be seen. A lot better than you might think.

Y Tu Mama Tambien...watched it to see where I'm going on holiday, besides that the film was okay.
I watched half of From Hell which was good despite Johnny Depps accent being comedy-cockney. I really wanted to watch it all but kept nodding off. Will complete rest tonight.
Y Tu Mama Tambien...watched it to see where I'm going on holiday, besides that the film was okay.

I watched that on a plane back from the states.......the flight attendant came with refreshments just as the lad was neck deep in muff :oops:
More Spartacus: Blood and Sand.

Just watched the episode 'Party Favours', what an ending :( (Oh Illythia, you evil-yet-ridiculously-alluring manipulator, I'm crushing hard now :oops:)

Hope somebody takes out that little twerp who gave the 'thumb down' though :mad:
Wiv no breaking bad left to watch! Im havin whivdrawl symptoms and i canna find anything thats the slightest bit interesting! Tried Fringe, (nope) Wire, (nope) True blood, (nope) Dexter, (gone off it) Then Then Then! I fink ive found one! *In Treatment* starrin that irish bloke/ Uptoo episode 7 and im lovin it so far...... Hope it lasts or am goin to have to start watchin the feckin soaps!!!!!
The King of Marvin Gardens.

Again another sensitive and well-judged performance from Jack Nicholson in his prime. Nothing like the self-parody he later became.

Also a good example of what Chekhov said - if there's a gun on the stage in the first act, it had better be used by the last act.
Klunkerz...documentary about the beginnings of mountain biking, Gary Fisher and his mates.

Okay if you have an interest, cool that a bunch of hippies started a worldwide cycling revolution/movement/business.
What a way for a planet to go (singularity), though. Just googling, and it does appear that inteferon at least is part of legit scientific clever cloggist beardo language.
Moar Spartacus: Blood and Sand, bit of a low key episode by comparison to what's gone before, but it looks like shit is about to hit the fan, only 2 episodes to go.

Just seen the episode title for the finale, promising.... :D
You think you are inured to the intense violence by the time the final episode roles up. You aren't.
i saw the curious case of benjamin button.
eric roth should be shot for crimes against screen writing, or at the very least consigned to writing greetings cards.
fincher seems to be attempting to channel jean-pierre jeunet, especially in the intro.
top marks for production design, costumes and camerawork, but nil points for syruppy twee naustalgia.
fincher should be ashamed of himself.
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