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What does this mean?

If you are a permit holder park whenever for free.

Not a permit holder? Pay between 9am and 5pm.
Any time outside those hours it’s free for all.
Don’t be surprised if there is no machine and you need to try the parking apps like RingGo instead.
Thanks hive mind - had a brain freeze :)
Doesn’t help that all across London they do things slightly differently.

Was at Tufnell Park today where I was told non residents can park free Sat and Sun.
It’s only allowed on Sunday where I am.
Not sure it does. Reads to me as parking only between 9-5. Presumably after that it would only be for residents with a parking permit. :hmm:

No, restrictions only apply between 9-5, presumably to stop all day free parking by office & shop workers, there're no restrictions outside those hours, otherwise it would list what they are.
Not sure it does. Reads to me as parking only between 9-5. Presumably after that it would only be for residents with a parking permit. :hmm:
Trust us London parking regulars. You learn to cruise the streets reading the portends and omens and interpreting the chicken entrails of council signs. It’s free after 5 and before 9.

What really freaks friends out is when I park central London on a Sunday on single yellows.
Can you do that?
You sure?
You really sure?
No, restrictions only apply between 9-5, presumably to stop all day free parking by office & shop workers, there're no restrictions outside those hours, otherwise it would list what they are.
But it says 'parking 9-5'. :hmm:

Round here you'll get signs that say 'bus lane 8-10 and 4-6' which means that lane is a bus route between those times only.

If there is a parking permit scheme it's usually for residents who are likely to be home before 9 and after 5 and need somewhere to park. :hmm:
Trust us London parking regulars. You learn to cruise the streets reading the portends and omens and interpreting the chicken entrails of council signs. It’s free after 5 and before 9.

What really freaks friends out is when I park central London on a Sunday on single yellows.
Can you do that?
You sure?
You really sure?
With herds of wildebeest have been mentioned I'm not sure it's in London. :hmm:
But it says 'parking 9-5'. :hmm:

Round here you'll get signs that say 'bus lane 8-10 and 4-6' which means that lane is a bus route between those times only.

If there is a parking permit scheme it's usually for residents who are likely to be home before 9 and after 5 and need somewhere to park. :hmm:

If it required parking permits after 5pm, it would say so, i.e.

9am - 5pm parking permits or pay at machine.
5pm- 9am parking permits only.

It is common for restrictions to apply on particular days of the week or only during the main part of the day. Outside the times shown you may park free of charge. If there are no days or times shown on the signs for the bays, the need to abide by the requirements shown on the signs apply at all times

As others have said, parking restrictions end outside of the times stated on the sign. So take full advantage of it, and don’t listen to the haters :thumbs:
Also be aware that if there are no restrictions, councils can lift your car to paint yellow lines, and then give you a ticket when they put it back down!

This is from a couple of days ago..

And, this is from 2021...

Also be aware that if there are no restrictions, councils can lift your car to paint yellow lines, and then give you a ticket when they put it back down!

This is from a couple of days ago..

And, this is from 2021...

TBF the probability of this kind of occurrence to happen to you, in particular if you’re parking in an area as a one off, are extremely remote :D
As it turned out every fucking space was taken with the on-street parking, except the loading bay which I didn’t want to park in just in case - so I parked in the multi-storey.

However I can report that I enjoyed tapas and a pint whilst seeing some friends
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