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Welsh Marxist historians in helicopters - crowdfunding the Dragon Has Two Tongues


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The YouTube channel, Wales in the Movies (WALES in the MOVIES) has gone to quite a lot of trouble to find copies of the famous 1985 TV series The Dragon has Two Tongues.

Unfortunately, within a couple of days of the first episode being uploaded it has been taken down for (perfectly legitimate) copyright reasons.

I managed to get in before it vanished and really enjoyed rewatching a show that was very important to me as a young man but which has been absent from the public realm since its first broadcast.

It's an interesting series stylistically, with two "historians" providing duelling accounts of the history of Wales.

One is Wynford Vaughan Thomas, (Wynford Vaughan-Thomas - Wikipedia) a broadcaster who I think you might fairly characterise as a romantic and conservative unionist.

The other, and the one perhaps more likely to be of interest to Urbans is Gwyn Alf Williams (Gwyn A. Williams - Wikipedia), a Marxist historian, who swoops over "Brother Wynford" in a helicopter in the first episode - it's all great fun!

The purpose, according to Wales in the Movie, of uploading the series was not just to unearth a forgotten piece of important Welsh telly, but also to raise a debate on Welsh history and to maybe start a campaign to get the series onto the Welsh history curiculum. (I don't have any kids and I don't know anything about how curicula and so on work...)

After the taking down of the film, Wales in the Movies is trying to find another way to get the series back into the public domain, maybe by crowdfunding a release in some way.

You can find this all on Twitter, where he seems to be doing most of the campaigning, but he may be on other social media channels too.

Just a thought! Enjoy!
can they not contact the copyright holders? or is it a bit late having already been uploaded...

eta: i mean, they would have to do that in order to re-release anyway. they might be able to agree a nominal fee...
In fact, I think they'd love a repeat on the telly with the show going up on ITV Wales' (who own it I believe) own YouTube channel and a DVD release.
I saw one of these ages ago and found it fascinating, not so much for the history itself (although its always interesting) but the actual conversation between two different conceptions of history.

nowadays its schama/montefiore basically giving you the Liberal view of history while wearing a man from del monte suit and touring parts foriegn on the bbc's paycheque ectetc rant
tbf it sounds arse-about-face to be looking at crowdfunding before making copyright enquiries...

I might be getting ahead of myself, so that could be me putting the arse before the face. This has happened just as I'm storming off twitter again... but I've gone back, and the crowdfunding is to pay the rights fee to be able to upload/release it.

I presume they've contacted colin thomas the producer of the series (and other interesting things)? Colin is still very active in the field and supportive of things like this. I can give you a contact email if required.

I have no idea! Thank you butchersapron, I'll certainly send them a message to ask and to show them this thread...

This is the channel on Twitter.

WALES in the MOVIES (@MoviesWales) on Twitter
I might be getting ahead of myself, so that could be me putting the arse before the face. This has happened just as I'm storming off twitter again... but I've gone back, and the crowdfunding is to pay the rights fee to be able to upload/release it.

I have no idea! Thank you butchersapron, I'll certainly send them a message to ask and to show them this thread...

This is the channel on Twitter.

WALES in the MOVIES (@MoviesWales) on Twitter
They need to raise £140k for the rights?!!
Is there a torrent of it available?
Crossposting to make sure this comes up on both relevant threads:
I'll watch this when I get back to the WiFi. I watched it when it was on telly and recall it being very good. Oh, I also have a copy of Williams' Merthyr Rising lying around somewhere.
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