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Watching films on a smart tv


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I want to be able to watch films on my smart tv. I’ve tried Curzon Online but it says the browser is out of date. What’s the choice like on Amazon? Is there another option that’s…not Amazon? If I watch films on Amazon do I need Amazon Prime? I don’t mind paying for the films. I like to watch things that haven’t been out of the cinema long, the kind of thing that you would have got from the video store in the old days. For instance I really want to see Past Lives but can’t work out how. Would I be better off buying a DVD player and could I plug this in to my smart tv? I’m not very techy. Thanks.
What smart TV do you have? Depending on the TV/operating system you may be able to use other apps to watch your film.

I did a quick google and the 'Google Play Movies' app has 'Past Lives' cheaper than Curzon - starting at £3.49 - Amazon also has it for the same price.

Generally if I've purchased a film, I tend do use Amazon. More out of cross-compatibility with other TV devices than anything.
MUBI / Netflix / Disney / Apple, as well as Amazon, should be on most smart TVs. You'll need to download the app, rather than use the browser. There might be a Curzon app for your smart TV.

What's the model?
As far as I know you don't need an Amazon Prime subscription to buy films on Amazon. You only need the subscription to stream films that are available on it's Prime Video service. Hope that helps.
It’s this one.

I want to use it like a video store and buy films. I have Netflix etc but the specific films I want aren’t available.
Unfortunately those days are gone. You're best buying a BluRay player if you want to do that, but I'm not sure that everything comes out on discs these days.

Amazon is probably your next bet, or Google as Sky said. Don't think Google would work on your TV, though, but you might be able to 'cast' it. Samsung are pretty shit for this kind of thing (I have one, too).

Another option is to buy a Roku stick or similar, then download Plex, but this is getting quite techy for someone who isn't techy...
There's no way that TV browser should be out of date, have you checked for updates?
It's probably just unsupported. I bet the Curzon site checks for Chrome, Safari and Firefox, and if it's not those, it says too old. The Samsung browser probably doesn't have DRM or whatever is required to make the Curzon site work.
It’s this one.

I want to use it like a video store and buy films. I have Netflix etc but the specific films I want aren’t available.

It looks modern enough to support all the apps you need, and being Samsung it should be able to handle whichever app you want to run. For the sake of simplicity, I would just use Amazon Prime - if you have an amazon account. I reckon most films would be on there if they're on other services. You can browse and buy in the app, or by using your browser. In theory everything should sync up.

There are other options. Google Play, Rakuten, etc. But I reckon Amazon will have the broadest range, and be least likely to go tits up and you'll lose your content but for what its worth the Curzon app should definitely work on a TV this modern.

Looks like it is available on Amazon as an extra sub.

Our Prime Video Channel is a monthly subscription that you can add to your Amazon Prime or Prime Video membership. It is a separate subscription service from Curzon Home Cinema available in the UK and Ireland. For a monthly fee of £6.99 after trial, you’ll get access to a catalogue of Curzon titles on top of your Prime Video account.
I would rather not use Amazon but Google Play aren’t renting videos as of (I think) 24/1. I will have to have a think.
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