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Victoria Line closing early


someinenhhanding menbag and me ah bollox
Anyone see these signs plastered everywhere about the Vic Line closing at 10.30pm from Monday to Friday?

That's going to piss a few people off
dogmatique said:
According to this
, it's every Monday to Thursday at 10pm!!

Oh well, that's not SO bad then :D
And imagine all of those occasions when they don't finish the nights work on schedule, and fuck up the line for rushhour... ugh.
That's pretty annoying, mainly because I'm guaranteed to forget and try to get on it, at least once a week.
i set up a little website about this - it is just a fledgling site and really needs some replies and advice from any experienced campaigners out there though - visit www.tubenightmare.com. i don't see why metronet get to ruin my social life til Christmas, just so they don't have to pay yet more late delivery fees.
The line needs to be completely resignalled for the new trains coming online in 2 years. Plus whatever other work fits in around that - bit of rail replacement here and there, probably.
We're paying now, for all the work that's been slacked off on for the last 20 years. So yes, it's shit, but it needs doing.

That said, however, it could be done a lot better. Anyone remember that undercover tube documentary where the crews were basically just slobbing around while one of them hit a few bolts with his spanner? :mad:
caroline1973 said:
i set up a little website about this - it is just a fledgling site and really needs some replies and advice from any experienced campaigners out there though - visit www.tubenightmare.com. i don't see why metronet get to ruin my social life til Christmas, just so they don't have to pay yet more late delivery fees.

Get a taxi. Or a night bus.
i don't see why they can't continue doing it during the night-time closed period, as at present - and just manage it better as Crispy suggests - rather than cause us any extra inconvenience.

Metronet are currently asking for an extra £1-2 bn public money, due to having overspent. According to Saturday's FT, "The official deciding on emergency funding for [Metronet] is likely to award less money for work that is behind schedule". Is it cynical to suggest that perhaps they have a particular incentive to catch up with work before this decision is taken? :eek:
caroline1973 said:
i don't see why they can't continue doing it during the night-time closed period, as at present - and just manage it better as Crispy suggests - rather than cause us any extra inconvenience.

Metronet are currently asking for an extra £1-2 bn public money, due to having overspent. According to Saturday's FT, "The official deciding on emergency funding for [Metronet] is likely to award less money for work that is behind schedule". Is it cynical to suggest that perhaps they have a particular incentive to catch up with work before this decision is taken? :eek:

Totally agree they could do more in the time they have but this is Britain we're talking about.
I don't understand why they're doing this Mon-Thu rather than Sun-Wed? I'd have thought losing a couple of hours on Sunday would be less of a hardship to most people than on a Thursday.
beeboo said:
I don't understand why they're doing this Mon-Thu rather than Sun-Wed? I'd have thought losing a couple of hours on Sunday would be less of a hardship to most people than on a Thursday.

because people are out shopping/drinking in the West End etc. on weekends
because people are out shopping/drinking in the West End etc. on weekends

After 10pm on a Sunday evening? :confused:

With "Thursday being the new Friday" + late night shopping + people working late I would have thought restricted hours on Thursdays would inconvenience a lot more people than restricted hours on Sundays.
don't know that it is overstating the case that much. for me getting home from the town centre will involve a massively expensive cab. it will also make it less likely that friends will be able to come round to my place, if they turn into pumpkins at 10 o clock! even if there is a rail replacement service (currently unclear) i don't really want to hang round at a bus station late at night waiting for it. there is no night bus to where i live, and in any case the night buses don't start running at 10pm!

i should confess (at the risk of attracing instant opprobrium) that i actually live NORF of the river in blackhorse road :D , but i would have thought even for brixtonians luxuriating in the warmth and more active nightlife of zone 2, much of the above still applies.
That'll be fun after chucking out time at the Academy, with everyone trying to get onto the South Eastern train to Victoria instead :eek:
Oh FFS :mad: This is a pile of shite. Are they going to run a rail replacement service from 10pm to the normal closing time? At least it'd be quicker than a regular bus which stops every 5 metres along the bloody way.
Regarding the rail replacement bus question I have emailed LT to ask them to clarify. The press release which had the news smuggled at the bottom, vaguely mentioned rail replacement buses, but it wasn't very definite, and the guards at my local station say they've been told there won't be a bus.
Crispy said:
That said, however, it could be done a lot better. Anyone remember that undercover tube documentary where the crews were basically just slobbing around while one of them hit a few bolts with his spanner? :mad:

From what experience I have in the field (overground railway depot), that doesn't surprise me. There are some really committed men (and it is almost exclusivley men) but there are some who totally take the p*ss.
If you don't live near the ends of this line, then you can just about get home without it via some other route.
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