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Vermin and the virus: chronicling the tory blowback

The constant refrain for weeks and weeks of 'we are / we were following the science' is a clear giveaway that they know full well they have fucked up. If they thought they had done a good job they'd have said we your wise leaders have chosen to do blah, instead this following the science which has been the line / excuse from the start, setting up the fall guys and the blame right from the beginning.

The fake twitter accounts thing has done my head in, reminding me that for whatever reason i still had stupid ideas about things that couldn't happen here that are more the remit of non-democracies etc. :(
So... the twats spent their time busily setting up fake s.m. accounts to backup their flaky policies when they should have been talking to any manufacturer that could help supply the NHS, all the while saving any NHS supply contract for their big manufacturer party doner pals.

Makes me think of Nero and his prioritys.
Fake twitter accounts story so far seems to have only been written up / amplified by squawkbox :facepalm: .
The Department of Health & SocSec has however found the time last night to send this in reply to anyone who has shared the original info thread, so they've been busy. They don't answer when people ask them why all those nhs accounts no longer exist.

Screenshot 2020-04-21 at 09.38.21.png
We (The UK) have our problems with politicians interfering - trying to control the system without understanding the implications - but we sure as eggs is eggs don't have the disaster of his own making that donald the orange is giving his population to contend with.
not sure if it has been mentioned elsewhere (i did try to search) but has anyone heard anything about this nurse that is being accused by tory twitter of stealing nhs ppe to give to her friends? she's on their radar anyway cos she supports corbyn.

Fake twitter accounts story so far seems to have only been written up / amplified by squawkbox :facepalm: .
The Department of Health & SocSec has however found the time last night to send this in reply to anyone who has shared the original info thread, so they've been busy. They don't answer when people ask them why all those nhs accounts no longer exist.

View attachment 208012

Department of Health & Soc Sec reprimanding itself then when it says "These claims are categorically false ... use the SHARE checklist to help stop the spread of harmful content."
Found this Beeb item about the twitter thing ...

still not sure what the hell they thought they were doing, these things will almost certainly turn around and bite the arse !

(seems something that dommie C might have thought up ?)
Found this Beeb item about the twitter thing ...

still not sure what the hell they thought they were doing, these things will almost certainly turn around and bite the arse !

(seems something that dommie C might have thought up ?)

Weird piece that. Says there is no evidence the account existed apart from a screenshot and the errr google cache so it def existed then, then ends with some bollocks about yeah interrogate the issue but don't share it. What. How can the former happen without the latter. Strange.
I fucking hate the Tories. So much that I can taste it, like blood in my mouth. It is a constant conversation with myself about how toxic hate is, in order to not wish them all a horrible death.

That is all.
Bevan himself could not have put it better.
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Then there was this actually by Bevan...

That is why no amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party that inflicted those bitter experiences on me. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin. They condemned millions of first-class people to semi-starvation. Now the Tories are pouring out money in propaganda of all sorts and are hoping by this organised sustained mass suggestion to eradicate from our minds all memory of what we went through. But, I warn you young men and women, do not listen to what they are saying now. Do not listen to the seductions of Lord Woolton. He is a very good salesman. If you are selling shoddy stuff you have to be a good salesman. But I warn you they have not changed, or if they have they are slightly worse than they were.
Chilling to read this in the sunday times. This will be read by tory voters up and down the country today. Let's hope they do something about it.
How many Tory voters do you think read the Sunday Times? Just under 14 million people voted Conservative in 2019, the circulation of the ST is ~660,000.
The sky news poll is interesting, showing 51% of people trust boris but a lot fewer than that trust Hancock and Raab etc
How many Tory voters do you think read the Sunday Times? Just under 14 million people voted Conservative in 2019, the circulation of the ST is ~660,000.
The circulation of that article will go well beyond that figure.
Problem is, lots of Tory voters still won't give a fuck.
Bevan himself could not have put it better.

Bevan. ❤

The constant refrain for weeks and weeks of 'we are / we were following the science' is a clear giveaway that they know full well they have fucked up. If they thought they had done a good job they'd have said we your wise leaders have chosen to do blah, instead this following the science which has been the line / excuse from the start, setting up the fall guys and the blame right from the beginning.

The fake twitter accounts thing has done my head in, reminding me that for whatever reason i still had stupid ideas about things that couldn't happen here that are more the remit of non-democracies etc. :(

On Good Morning Britain, when they brought on the pregnant doctor who's sueing the Govt over the constantly shifting 'guidelines' Matt Hancock trotted out this line. It's like reverse, reverse, reverse! No more space behind me? Bring on the 'experts' line.

The doctor asked where they were getting the guidelines from and the interviewer answered for Matt. It was clear that the agenda was to get the doctor to talk about how it feeeeeels. Because no one can imagine what it feels like to put yourself and your unborn child at risk of death. But yeah, it was clear that the ultimate defence is to throw 'the experts' under the bus.
The circulation of that article will go well beyond that figure.
Problem is, lots of Tory voters still won't give a fuck.
Perhaps but it isn't going to go close to 14m people. The picture of the average tory voter being a Sunday Times/Telegraph reader is false, and its the sort of image that had quite a lot of people so badly reading the EU ref and last election.
A lot of WC got so brainwashed by Maggie's 'greed for everybody' philosophy (remember these :- no such thing as society, destroying heavy industry in favour of lighter service 'work' & buying council houses) so much so that old style Trade Unions could be defeated or made to seem irrelevant to the majority who welcomed as "new rights" the benefits hard fought for by those same unions ...

The role of newspapers such as the 5un should not be underestimated (express and DM to a lesser extent) in the continuation of this legacy, culminating in brexit campaigning - by what was really a load of misleading editorial / advertising.

Why do you think Maggie had Saatchi & Saatchi in her stable ... ?

[Before anyone jumps at me to ask :-
My family had been active in the TU & old style LP since before I was born. My father stood as a candidate more than once in strong Tory areas - once he was told the "local squire" would not allow the village hall (built after WW1 by the villagers themselves) to be used for LP hustings, nor the pub (same reason - land owned by squire). I have done doorstep work and leafleting for my Dad and other LP candidates / various campaigns, in virtually every place I've lived.]
The constant refrain for weeks and weeks of 'we are / we were following the science' is a clear giveaway that they know full well they have fucked up. If they thought they had done a good job they'd have said we your wise leaders have chosen to do blah, instead this following the science which has been the line / excuse from the start, setting up the fall guys and the blame right from the beginning.

The fake twitter accounts thing has done my head in, reminding me that for whatever reason i still had stupid ideas about things that couldn't happen here that are more the remit of non-democracies etc. :(
Yeh but we don't live in a democracy
Slowly but surely the blowback is building. Have the odd gander at the hackosphere on twitter, its a miserable task given they are the worst picks but there is more and more criticism and less and less 'no time for politics'. Pol Ed for Observer going in particularly hard. They start and this filters through to the professionals and sensibles. I reckon in about a month it will be tory shit storm time.
Slowly but surely the blowback is building. Have the odd gander at the hackosphere on twitter, its a miserable task given they are the worst picks but there is more and more criticism and less and less 'no time for politics'. Pol Ed for Observer going in particularly hard. They start and this filters through to the professionals and sensibles. I reckon in about a month it will be tory shit storm time.
I dunno the Tories (and others) seem to try and be turning this into a Brexit style culture war. Looks like a sensible strategy in the short term anyway
I dunno the Tories (and others) seem to try and be turning this into a Brexit style culture war. Looks like a sensible strategy in the short term anyway

Yeah, true. Whether that will hold up when dust begins to settle, more accurate comparisons can be made etc - eg level of mortality for front line workers in UK.

They really have fucked this from the get go and tbh if they largely get away with it politically then I think I'll give up any trace of hope I have left in me
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