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Vassall Ward byelection

sad news - former lambeth Mayor and Vassall ward councillor Liz Atkinson has died - http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/News/210108CouncillorLizAtkinson.htm

I guess there is going to be a byelection in Vassall then which is sort of Brixton (includes area bounded by Brixton Road, Camberwell New Road, Denmark Road and Coldharbour Lane) does anyone have any idea when it will be and who the candidates are?

Vassell goes all the way over to Clapham Rd. There's been no date fixed for this by-election, personally I'd guess they will leave it until the May GLA + Mayoral elections if they're allowed to leave it that long - then they can do them all at one time.

The HOT HOT news as of last night is that the Green Party will be fielding a candidate (unlike last time when they :eek: stood down in favour of Respect who got a mighty 4% of the vote) - although to be fair the Greens have a list of target wards and Vassell ain't one of them.

So George Graham's yer man. Green Party candidate for Vassell. There won't be much of a campaign though....
Vassell goes all the way over to Clapham Rd. There's been no date fixed for this by-election, personally I'd guess they will leave it until the May GLA + Mayoral elections if they're allowed to leave it that long - then they can do them all at one time.

The HOT HOT news as of last night is that the Green Party will be fielding a candidate (unlike last time when they :eek: stood down in favour of Respect who got a mighty 4% of the vote) - although to be fair the Greens have a list of target wards and Vassell ain't one of them.

So George Graham's yer man. Green Party candidate for Vassell. There won't be much of a campaign though....

I guess 1 May would be best in terms of spending and campaigning by the political parties (and the council elections department) but it would be a shame if they did because the local issues would be overshadowed by the mayor/gla fight. I suppose there would be a higher turnout then though

Looking at the figures from the last election I dont think theres much chance of anyone but labour winning?
I guess 1 May would be best in terms of spending and campaigning by the political parties (and the council elections department) but it would be a shame if they did because the local issues would be overshadowed by the mayor/gla fight. I suppose there would be a higher turnout then though

Looking at the figures from the last election I dont think theres much chance of anyone but labour winning?

The ward's been close between Labour and Lib Dems for 15 years.

Was partly Lib Dem (John Denny if you know him - assuming you live on Knatchbull road!) from 1994 -8 then has been Labour but with Lib Dems in a close second in the subsequent elections in 2002 and 2006.
The ward's been close between Labour and Lib Dems for 15 years.

Was partly Lib Dem (John Denny if you know him - assuming you live on Knatchbull road!) from 1994 -8 then has been Labour but with Lib Dems in a close second in the subsequent elections in 2002 and 2006.

byelection = libdems then......

... loads of 'its a 2 horse race' bar charts... :rolleyes:
Well the votes in the 2006 election were:
Labour 1305
Lib Dem 1146
Conservative 369
Respect 257

Greens didn't bother standing a candidate.
The ward's been close between Labour and Lib Dems for 15 years.

Was partly Lib Dem (John Denny if you know him - assuming you live on Knatchbull road!) from 1994 -8 then has been Labour but with Lib Dems in a close second in the subsequent elections in 2002 and 2006.

I do live on Knacthbull but have not been here that long!

Thats interesting that it should be have been non Labour in previous years - I would have thought it is a strong Labour ward with all the people on Myatts Fields North and South, Cowley estate etc but I suppose in local elections due to the low turnout its more a case of who you get out to vote.

Does anyone know when the candidates will be announced?
Well the votes in the 2006 election were:
Labour 1305
Lib Dem 1146
Conservative 369
Respect 257

Greens didn't bother standing a candidate.

I /think/ there was an informal agreement between the green party and respect not to overlap.
I /think/ there was an informal agreement between the green party and respect not to overlap.

That's what I've heard - not really as a result of any big political decision to back Respect, but more because the Green Party doesn't have resources to put up an effective fight in all wards so has concentrated on a number of target wards where they get over 15% of the vote.

But I know the Greens are putting a candidate up this time - George Graham.
I /think/ there was an informal agreement between the green party and respect not to overlap.

A pity they won't admit that in public since I'd imagine it would put off a lot of green voters the idea that the greens are allied to the maniacs in Respect.
Lib Dem candidate is Steve Bradley. Here's his biog.

He was also a Liberal Democrat candidates in Vassall in the 2006 local elections, where the party finished a very close second to Labour.

Steve is a self-employed Building and Regeneration consultant who lives on the edge of Vassall ward. He has been involved in campaigning on a number of issues locally - such as Labour's ALMO proposal, Lambeth's Care Cuts, and restoring the 55 missing police to the Borough. He has also been an active campaigner on environmental issues for over 20 years, and is currently leading an initiative to phase-out the use of plastic bags in shops in Stockwell. Steve in the current Treasurer, and former Vice-Chair, of local community regeneration charity 'The Stockwell Partnership'.

In his spare time, Steve plays a lot of sport. As a freelance journalist and amateur historian, he has had articles published in a variety of sports magazines and on the world's most popular football website (Soccernet.com). He is also currently writing a book on the history of football in his native Ireland.
yeah i live in vassall ward, lots of leaflets through the door recently, a couple from the lib dems, a very shiny glossy one from labour man flanagan, a paltry effort from the tories a while back i think, even something from boris which made me chuckle cos it was so ridiculous.

looks like it could be quite close between lib dems and labour. is there a full list of candidates somewhere?
looks like it could be quite close between lib dems and labour. is there a full list of candidates somewhere?

Published on Lambeth website yesterday

London Borough of Lambeth
Thursday 20 March 2008
The following is a statement as to persons nominated for election as Councillor for the

The following persons have been nominated:
Barr, Stuart David.......Conservative Party Candidate
Bradley, Steve............Liberal Democrats
Flannagan, Dr Andy.....The Labour Party Candidate
Graham ,George..........The Green Party
Polenceus, Janus.........English Democrats Party
Syron, Leo Matthew.....Independent
Kennington Road more than Waterloo - edge of Vassall Ward, similar distance to the Lib Dem I think so no benefits for either in being 'the local candidate' if you apply it strictly to the local ward

He's at the other end of Kennington road - just by the church by Lambeth north tube (if you look at the nomination you can see his postcode). Though I'd imagine his leaflets will be quite careful not to point that out given that Labour made such a big thing in some of the recent Lambeth elections about their candidates being the most local.:D
4th of May

We have had no end of leaflets stuffed through the letterbox from different parties.

So far my impression is as follows.......

Conservative Party
Until I read this thread I had no idea if they were even fielding a candidate, let alone who he/she is.

About a week ago some old fellow knocked on the door on an early afternoon in the week. He was doddering, confused and frankly annoying. Had no answers for the few questions I asked.

Liberal Democrats
Steve Bradley knocked on the door last night early evening. Seemed to be a switched on bloke and was actually pleasant to chat to. Promised (politician making promises sounds familiar?) that they were mainly interested in fixing basic things. Whilst he agreed with much of what we said I take this with a pinch of salt from any politician. What made me think was the fact that he was out on my estate (a challenging place to live at times) on a Sunday night willing to talk to people openly.

English Democrats
Last night (we were home) they dropped a leaflet through our door which reads like a flowery version of Mein Kampf, and was more focused on St Georges Day than any local issues.
Lovely bloke that Akenside, obviously.

Wish these politicos would go away. Only see them when there is an election coming up. Bad enough having them dump their litter through our letter boxes. Why do they also send out unshaved beery weirdos like the thing that came to our- door yesterday afternoon! If it can't shave or keep off the beer, why is it on the council?

Not too bright asking us to vote for them immediately after stuffing us with increased council tax and rent!

Lot of people unhappy about this Alamo thing also. At least with councillors you know who to complain to, and they know that if they don't perform they're out of a job. You can't even complain to the faceless nodders on the ALMO board, they won't even allow officers to give out their names!

Any councillor want to tell me 3 things that this lot have done for our ward? No? . . . I thought not.
Not too bright asking us to vote for them immediately after stuffing us with increased council tax and rent!

Dont think they had much choice about the byelection - they have to have it within a certain time period, dont know why they couldnt have combined it with the mayorial ones in May but they must have their reasons.

That Luke Akehurst is a former student Labour person. In the mid 1990s when I was at university they were more Blairite than Balir and blatant careerists - still hasnt done him any harm as he is now a director or something at Weber Shandwick http://www.webershandwick.com/, he is also a Hackney Councillor with a regular blog http://lukeakehurst.blogspot.com/ and a spoof version http://lukeakehurstsblog.blogspot.com/ which seems to be better than the original!
Any councillor want to tell me 3 things that this lot have done for our ward? No? . . . I thought not.

Have you tried challenging any of the people who come round? Or contact one of the other two councillors, I'm sure they would be happy to go on at length about the achievements! I have always been very impressed with the Vassall councillor Kingsley Abrams (Labour) - whenever Ive had dealings with him he has responded quickly and tried to get to the heart of the matter.
Have you tried challenging any of the people who come round? Or contact one of the other two councillors, I'm sure they would be happy to go on at length about the achievements!

Just to let you know some of the issues that Steve Bradley is campaigning on for the Lib Dems.

a) A huge chunk of the CCTV in Vassall not working
b) The empty Brixton children's centre on Mostyn road - brand new but not being used
c) The huge rent rises for council tenants this year - presumably not unconnected to the ALMO
d) Lambeth's missing 55 police - on the Met's own judgement
e) Quite a lot of very local issues due to the council being rubbish - such as the huge lamp post holes that are in the pavement everywhere

If any of you Vassall residents want me to pass along any questions to Steve let me know - he's a mate.
Have you tried challenging any of the people who come round? Or contact one of the other two councillors, I'm sure they would be happy to go on at length about the achievements! I have always been very impressed with the Vassall councillor Kingsley Abrams (Labour) - whenever Ive had dealings with him he has responded quickly and tried to get to the heart of the matter.

I can actually say yes i have tried to challenge/chat with all the candidates who came round.

Steve Bradley was the only one who actually knocked and seemed like he had anything positive to say.
The guy who came for Labour didn't seem like he wanted us to have answered the door and looked quite confused and stressed.
The Tory people havn't actually knocked, they just posted a leaflet and ran (and it must have been fast as I have ran to the door to try and catch them).

Now I don't think that the Lib Dems are the answer too all our problems by any means but I feel so generally very let down and unsupported buy the others.
I can actually say yes i have tried to challenge/chat with all the candidates who came round.

Steve Bradley was the only one who actually knocked and seemed like he had anything positive to say.
The guy who came for Labour didn't seem like he wanted us to have answered the door and looked quite confused and stressed.
The Tory people havn't actually knocked, they just posted a leaflet and ran (and it must have been fast as I have ran to the door to try and catch them).

Now I don't think that the Lib Dems are the answer too all our problems by any means but I feel so generally very let down and unsupported buy the others.

I'm glad to hear that.

I'm always perplexed when people complain about not hearing from politicians but then do complain when their door is knocked on or a leaflet is delivered.:D
Just to let you know some of the issues that Steve Bradley is campaigning on for the Lib Dems.

a) A huge chunk of the CCTV in Vassall not working
b) The empty Brixton children's centre on Mostyn road - brand new but not being used
c) The huge rent rises for council tenants this year - presumably not unconnected to the ALMO
d) Lambeth's missing 55 police - on the Met's own judgement
e) Quite a lot of very local issues due to the council being rubbish - such as the huge lamp post holes that are in the pavement everywhere

Err I dont think all of these are necessarily bad and some are outside the control of the council:

a) Vassall has more cctv than any other area of Lambeth (or probably London/ the UK) - I personally object to being filmed all the time. A few less cctv cameras would be even better.

b) Dont know about the childrens centre but I'm sure the council are not maliciously holding back on opening - have you tried contacting the council to ask when it will open/ what the hold up is?.

c) I think the rent rise is only 7% which ok is not ideal but the rent is still beneath levels in councils such as Southwark (Tory/LibDem control).

It also reflects the ongoing costs of bringing homes up to the Decent Homes standard (which is also why the ALMO will be created) - any (sensible) party in control of the council would have to do this in order to make the homes suitable for living in (and remember these are basic things like ensuring that all the council housing has central heating and double glazing - not luxury refits)

The only other option is to go down the route that Southwark has done and sell off lots of the council homes in order to raise the money for the home improvements - this is surely immoral at a time of housing need.

Let us not forget either the £3million fraud committed under previous Tory/Lib Dem control which is having to be repaid. And the previous administration as a parting shot left Lambeth with a very low level of reserves (way below the government's recommended level) and so the current council have to build up the level of reserves to cover unplanned expenditure (this is sensible, prudent financial policy but it unfortunately costs money now).

Inevitably also they are increasing the council tax now so that as we near the next council elections they can increase it by less (simple politics indulged in by every political party!)

d) As Police is a London-wide issue run by the mayor of London I dont see what the local authority can do about this, also its a problem of Met recruitment.

Besides I've never felt particularly unsafe in Vassall even walking across the estates such as Myatts Field South and North or Cowley and there do seem to be adequate numbers of police around. On the one or two occasions that Ive had a problem Police have always arrived on the scene within 5 minutes or so.

e) I'm sure that if local residents highlighted the issues to local councillors they would be fixed. Having a Liberal Democrat instead of a Labour Councillor would not magically make the holes disappear!

I think as well as blaming the Labour Council a number of these problems can be laid at the door of the Conservative/Liberal Democrat regime that ruled Lambeth from 2002 - 2006, I got the strong impression that they just did not care about Vassall and the surrounding Brixton areas.

Vassall was not their area or even remotely marginal so they neglected the ward. At least Labour at the council level and at the national government level is making efforts to try and address the long term problems caused ultimately by poverty and unemployment amongst the people.

As a concerned local resident (with professional interest in housing but no particular party allegiance - have voted LibDem, Lab and Green in the past) I think pragmatically I would much rather have a Labour Councillor as he will be able to bring benefits for the ward in the Labour Council (and remember we still have 2 more years until the next council election). And remember no one wanted this election - it was caused by the sudden death of our Labour representative who still had two years of her mandate left. It will be a fitting memorial for Liz Atkinson to elect a labour replacement.
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