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Valve amp just stopped working. Bit odd. Any ideas?

As I also recall from my time following tv repairmen around 50 years ago :) , vibration could mean the valves come unseated. The solution again as I recall was (a) disconnect the set from the mains (b) wait for some time for capacitors and things to discharge and (c) push each of the valves down and wiggle them a tad to reseat them.
Yes. I have tested a lot of stuff now and it all seems firm, can't find anything blown. I'm going to do more multimeter tests on the board this weekend after seeing a specific video on line about the very amp I have that had the very same problem. I will need to get a few of the fuses first so that I can check it.
BTW the fab one hour long on-line video found NOTHING.

The fuse had seemingly just gone through normal use.

My fuse didn't blow while I was using the amp. It didn't appear to blow in any visible or audible way when I turned it on, so maybe it went when I turned the amp off the night before.
My desiccant dehumidifier stopped working and I was going to replace it at a cost of £150 but there was some bloke on youtube who'd done a video on repairing the exact fault that I had.

The motor had gone and it just used a generic low-speed microwave turntable motor. Ordered it, soldered it in, added a bit of superglue to fix the spindle, and it works still :cool:
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