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USB device error


Did do all Google car mistakes
So, I recently got a new laptop, and just want to transfer my files from my old computer to my new one. I swear the last time I got a new computer, this was just a relatively simple job of connecting them both to the same wifi network and then sending all the data over that, but that option seems not to work now. So, I resigned myself to getting a PC-to-PC cable, installed Easy Computer Sync on both devices, plugged it in... and the fucking things both refuse to recognise the USB device. Plugging in my phone or an external hard drive is a bit hit and miss but usually usable if I plug and unplug a few times. Any advice?
I'd be inclined to do it via an external hard drive. what do you do for backups now?

The risk is probably quite low, but if you connect the two computers together, and something goes seriously wrong and buggers both, you've lost your stuff...
I tend to use my icy box when transferring files to a new computer. Is that a bit dated nowadays?
I tend to use my icy box when transferring files to a new computer. Is that a bit dated nowadays?
If you asked me what an icy box was, I would think it was an old-fashioned term for a freezer. So probably not that dated if I've never heard of it. Unless you actually are putting your new computer in the freezer?
Not much. I do have a bunch of stuff on an external hard drive, but that's about it.

depends how much of an annoyance / disaster it would be if something went wrong. i used to know someone who had AN external hard drive. something went wrong while he was doing a backup and it fried both the computer and the hard drive. having two hard drives and using them in turn is better.

i haven't really got in to the whole 'cloudy thing' (as one of my former colleagues once described it) but that may be an option. if you trust wherever with your data and not to disappear.
If you asked me what an icy box was, I would think it was an old-fashioned term for a freezer. So probably not that dated if I've never heard of it. Unless you actually are putting your new computer in the freezer?
It's a hard disk enclosure 😂 It's been my friend for many years with each hard disk failure or new computer. But maybe overtaken by new tech nowadays.
Not much. I do have a bunch of stuff on an external hard drive, but that's about it.
Before thinking about transferring to a new computer, sort your backup system out. Unless you literally have nothing you'd be bothered about losing. If there's anything you'd be seriously bothered about losing, it should be backed up in two different places, as in two geographically different places.
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