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US celeb Hilary Duff attacks photographer online for taking photos at football game

Certainly not against her powerful lawyers. **But since when was the outcome of a US court the absolute decider of whether something is morally defensible or not?""

I think the photographer was a bit of a twat for not immediately apologising and moving on - even when he had done nothing wrong - and I have zero respect for this rich woman using her powerful position to try and wreck this guy's life.

Re the bit I bolded - I never said it was. But it's got nothing to do with her having "powerful lawyers," it's because there's no case.

Doubt she was trying to wreck this guy's life, TBH. He might be, though.
Re the bit I bolded - I never said it was. But it's got nothing to do with her having "powerful lawyers," it's because there's no case.

Doubt she was trying to wreck this guy's life, TBH. He might be, though.
I think she would have been well aware of the position of power and privilege she was in when she decided to single out an individual, film him, declare him a creep and then share it on her social media channel.
The woman may not have liked having her photo taken in a public place but her reaction his way over the top given the guy willingly deleted the photos right in front of her.

She then shared video of the encounter - including images of the photographer - with the word 'creep' overlaid to her 150,000 TikTok followers. Because that's OK apparently, as is saying this:

“You never know what he can do with those photos,” Natalie says. “He could’ve Photoshop to me naked, he could’ve used it to [stalk] me, you could’ve used that to sell them. You never know people‘s intentions. That’s why I wanted them deleted!

Ah but obvs that's different
Of course - she's in control of what gets published - but the things she accused him of - "He could’ve Photoshop to me naked, he could’ve used it to [stalk] me, you could’ve used that to sell them. You never know people‘s intentions" - could be done via with greater ease with any one of the many photos on her public Instagram feed.
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