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Urbfest - 31st August 2024 - Transport geeks assemble!


Minister for Balloons (retd.)
So with the announcement of the UrbFest shall we try and get a group together to go and geek out at a site of relevant interest?

Make some suggestions and we can do a poll.

Covent Garden is good but it will be mobbed with kids on a Saturday...BIG queues to get in.

OK, so the date has been set for the weekend of the 30th/31st Aug, and the Dogstar has been booked for the Saturday night.

I'm really sorry if this date proves unworkable for some, but we're never going to find anything that suits everyone and seeing as it's six months away, hopefully that gives you time to move things around if need be.

Along with all the fringe activities being arranged by the good folks here, I'm looking to possibly host a live music night on the Thursday, DJ a set at the Effra Social on the Friday (and provide a private room for urbz if there's enough demand), watch football on the Sat afternoon before the big evening show, and then maybe have a shindig at the Prince Albert on the Sunday.
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London Transport Museum - London Transport Museum
£24 annual pass
Covent Garden

RAF Hendon - RAF Museum London | London Aircraft Museum | Free Admission
Free (£5 suggested)
1 hr from Brixton to Hendon tube.

HMS Belfast - HMS Belfast
£25.45 advance
London Bridge - 15/20 mins from Brixton

Brooklands -https://www.brooklandsmuseum.com/
£22.70 in advance
Weybridge station - 1 hr14 mins from Clapham Junction

Epping and Ongar Railway - Welcome aboard the Epping Ongar Railway | London's Heritage Railway
£18 all day rover
46 mins from Waterloo on the tube.
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Does it need to be transport related?

Any museum in town is going to be an absolute zoo on an August Saturday.

The IWM is big enough to take some crowds and has the added advantage of (kind of) being on the way to Brixton. That said, most transport wankers have probably been there a thousand times.
Does it need to be transport related?

Any museum in town is going to be an absolute zoo on an August Saturday.

The IWM is big enough to take some crowds and has the added advantage of (kind of) being on the way to Brixton. That said, most transport wankers have probably been there a thousand times.

I deliberately didn't suggest IWM as it is more war stuff than transport. Also, as you say, been there a million times and it's not as good as it used to be imo.

But we can put it in the poll.

I put Brooklands down as you can get a train from Waterloo and I've always been more of a fan of moving, noisy exhibits than the stationary kind. And I've never been. :D
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Mind you there is probably a pretty tight venn diagram of Tranport/history forum engagement. So could kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
More info.

London Transport Museum - London Transport Museum
£24 annual pass
Covent Garden

RAF Hendon - RAF Museum London | London Aircraft Museum | Free Admission
Free (£5 suggested)
1 hr from Brixton to Hendon tube.

HMS Belfast - HMS Belfast
£25.45 advance
London Bridge - 15/20 mins from Brixton

Brooklands - Brooklands Museum
£22.70 in advance
Weybridge station - 1 hr14 mins from Clapham Junction

Epping and Ongar Railway - Welcome aboard the Epping Ongar Railway | London's Heritage Railway
£18 all day rover
46 mins from Waterloo on the tube.
do you mean to say that transport has been developed which would afford passage?

I saw a documentary recently about an aristocrat meeting a member of the lower orders on such a thing, but it sank. Hopefully they have come up with something else since then, but I won't hold my breath, (which is what the lower-orders chap should have done).
a few thoughts -

the epping + ongar railway is on my list of places i haven't quite got round to visiting yet but keep meaning to - but it doesn't actually run to epping (underground) station, although the connection to north weald station is by heritage bus. and i think 46 minutes from waterloo is a bit optimistic, especially bearing in mind the waterloo + city line doesn't run at weekends. at this stage, they haven't said if there's any special events on that weekend.

personally, not that fussed about covent garden (have done it a few times before, for that matter went 'there' when it was at syon park) although no objections to doing it again - there's always different exhibitions on.

also personally not that fussed about hendon or HMS Belfast. i'm maybe not as much of a militant (if that's the right word) pacifist as some, but not that enthusiastic about things military.

vintage bus events for the year aren't all yet confirmed, but as things stand, there's planned round london that weekend.

another possible or two ?

the bluebell railway station at east grinstead more or less backs on to the 'big railway' station - east grinstead is 1 hour from victoria on southern, and trains stop at clapham junction and east croydon.

the spa valley railway at eridge is about an hour from london bridge on southern, and the station is shared.

for anything, may be worth finalising plans nearer the time - railway / underground weekend engineering work isn't known (or made public) that far ahead yet...
a few thoughts -

the epping + ongar railway is on my list of places i haven't quite got round to visiting yet but keep meaning to - but it doesn't actually run to epping (underground) station, although the connection to north weald station is by heritage bus. and i think 46 minutes from waterloo is a bit optimistic, especially bearing in mind the waterloo + city line doesn't run at weekends. at this stage, they haven't said if there's any special events on that weekend.

personally, not that fussed about covent garden (have done it a few times before, for that matter went 'there' when it was at syon park) although no objections to doing it again - there's always different exhibitions on.

also personally not that fussed about hendon or HMS Belfast. i'm maybe not as much of a militant (if that's the right word) pacifist as some, but not that enthusiastic about things military.

vintage bus events for the year aren't all yet confirmed, but as things stand, there's planned round london that weekend.

another possible or two ?

the bluebell railway station at east grinstead more or less backs on to the 'big railway' station - east grinstead is 1 hour from victoria on southern, and trains stop at clapham junction and east croydon.

the spa valley railway at eridge is about an hour from london bridge on southern, and the station is shared.

for anything, may be worth finalising plans nearer the time - railway / underground weekend engineering work isn't known (or made public) that far ahead yet...

Ah Puddy_Tat, I've been expecting you. :D

Bluebell looks good, I was planning a family visit there during the summer but once we factored in 3 of us trains + Bluebell it was a lot of money. Doing it as 1 person would be much more manageable.

Not seen Spa before, looks great!
IWM Duxford. It’s on the way , well it is for me, and as I have main character syndrome that means it’s good for everyone….

It is good though… And for those less interested in things military it also has more old airliners than you can shake a stick at and the research Concorde…
Ah Puddy_Tat, I've been expecting you. :D

Bluebell looks good, I was planning a family visit there during the summer but once we factored in 3 of us trains + Bluebell it was a lot of money. Doing it as 1 person would be much more manageable.

Not seen Spa before, looks great!

I've not been to the Bluebell for probably 40 years or so (it didn't go to east grinstead then) although i did see their trains (and think i went for a snack in their cafe) at east grinstead a few years ago when i was one of a bunch of people running a rail replacement bus operation there when the brighton main line was closed for something fairly drastic.

and must be 20 or so years since i've been to the spa valley, and don't think it got as far as eridge then.

i'm inclined to think that mid hants / watercress, kent + east sussex and the like are too far away from london to do.
IWM Duxford. It’s on the way , well it is for me, and as I have main character syndrome that means it’s good for everyone….

It is good though… And for those less interested in things military it also has more old airliners than you can shake a stick at and the research Concorde…

I wanted to suggest Duxford but have a vested interest so refrained. Can get trains from Liverpool Street, it's a mile walk and you're there.
Entry to the Painted Hall is no longer free, though, so combining it with the Cuty Sark would make for an expensive afternoon out.

Aye, it's £15 but includes a very informative (and quite funny) guided tour.

Me and my mum might go there tomorrow funnily enough.
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