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Urban75 Theory What Would Happen If Someone Logged Into A R.I.P. Account?


Active Member
I've seen a few U75 accounts with the rank R.I.P. on while browsing the site and understand these are members who have passed away. It's got me curious though what would happen if someone actually logged into one. I bet administrators can access them anyway or will know.
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Really? Does it matter? If I died and if Urbs got to hear about it and marked me RIP then I suppose that because my password is 'remembered' on this PC then someone could accidentally or in order to thank people post as me from this PC. Then either the software would let them or it wouldn't. I don't know and I don't care; It's not the best timing for this question and I doubt if it ever will be. It's a technical question for the feedback forum anyway, if it's at all important. I'm not posting again on this thread.
I've seen a few U75 accounts with the rank R.I.P on while browsing the site and understand these are members who have passed away. It's got me curious though what would happen if someone actually logged into one. I bet administrators can access them anyway or will know.
what a strange question to have kept you up half the night. I don't think anything would happen as bar the scenario in Juan's post no one would do such a thing certainly not the mods who afaik would not have access to the account as they don't have access to your account.
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