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UNICEF to help feed British children for the first time in 70 years.


Who am I to say you're wrong
I can't believe how low this country has fallen. :(

COVID-19: For the first time in its history UNICEF will help feed kids in the UK
UNICEF says it's the first time in its 70-year history that it has responded to a UK "domestic emergency".

What the fuck is going on when the 6th richest country in the world can't feed its kids?

Thankfully at least Marcus Rashford has shamed the government twice but this really is taking the piss.
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I weep for what my country has become.


The Sky article implies the money comes from Unicef i.e the UN. That's not the case - it's from Unicef UK which is UK-based charity which has long spent a significant proportion of its income on programmes for UK-based children.
It also says that it is the first time it has needed to help FEED kids FFS.
Why have UNICEF started doing this?

It might be because this year I have just received a COVID bonus from work and gave most of it to UNICEF which I thought was going towards buying water pumps :confused:
The logic gets confusing, I believe a part of UK official overseas aid goes to help the poor in India. There is no doubt that they need assistance, but India is a country with a space program, could they not afford to help their own impoverished peoples?
The senior Tory replied: “It's a real scandal that Unicef should be playing politics in this way when it is meant to be looking after people in the poorest and most deprived countries in the world, where people are starving, where there are famines and there are civil wars – and they make cheap political points of this kind, giving, I think, £25,000 to one council.

"It is a political stunt of the lowest order.”

He added: “Unicef should be ashamed of itself.”

Well that's them told. It's all playing politics of course.

Actually it is possible that Rees-Mogg cannot comprehend the idea of anyone doing anything for poor people unless it is for political reasons.

Well that's them told. It's all playing politics of course.

Actually it is possible that Rees-Mogg cannot comprehend the idea of anyone doing anything for poor people unless it is for political reasons.

strange how politicians like to belittle other politicians who do things by saying they're playing politics

surely that's what politicians do as a job tho, politics. perhaps in this case they've got the hump because unicef are supposed to be on the sidelines
Well that's them told. It's all playing politics of course.

Actually it is possible that Rees-Mogg cannot comprehend the idea of anyone doing anything for poor people unless it is for political reasons.

Who can be the biggest cunt is literally a favourite Tory sport isn't it?
strange how politicians like to belittle other politicians who do things by saying they're playing politics

surely that's what politicians do as a job tho, politics. perhaps in this case they've got the hump because unicef are supposed to be on the sidelines
I am reminded of Hélder Câmara's quote:
When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist.
except that it seems nowadays just giving food to the poor makes you a communist.
Well that's them told. It's all playing politics of course.

Actually it is possible that Rees-Mogg cannot comprehend the idea of anyone doing anything for poor people unless it is for political reasons.

He's a vindictive bellend. Playing politics? What, like sneering at the plight of underfed children because it makes them look bad and because it's their fault? Shown up by a 23 year-old footballer. Twat. Honestly this is beneath contempt. Not an ounce of reflection for the mess they have made.
Our country has been a scandal for many years and getting worse - just look at the demand for foodbanks. I don't ever remember hearing of a foodbank
10 years or so ago, yet now, they are really struggling to keep up with demand. We are shit and some of us know we are.
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