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Underfall Yard in Bristol burns down 😱

That is really fucking shit. It's been ages since I did it, but it was really nice walking that bit of the harbour.
Always a good trek - Wankershed, Analphoney, ice cream from the van by the Industrial, walk down to the Buttery to fuel up with a bacon roll, wander along to the ssGB, shimmy around Gas Ferry, past the prop shop, stop off at the Orchard for cider and a meat raffle, stagger back to the harbourside, spiral down the marina, wobble along to the Cottage, reviving roast, more pints, round Underfall, cheeky Nova Scotian, somehow end up on the other side in the Pump House, hello, how did I end up in the Mardyke? Oh look, I'm in the Plough :confused: Okay sure a party at Siston Common sounds perfect, there in a jiffy, just got to stop off at The Depot and then Loco first 😵‍💫
Always a good trek - Wankershed, Analphoney, ice cream from the van by the Industrial, walk down to the Buttery to fuel up with a bacon roll, wander along to the ssGB, shimmy around Gas Ferry, past the prop shop, stop off at the Orchard for cider and a meat raffle, stagger back to the harbourside, spiral down the marina, wobble along to the Cottage, reviving roast, more pints, round Underfall, cheeky Nova Scotian, somehow end up on the other side in the Pump House, hello, how did I end up in the Mardyke? Oh look, I'm in the Plough :confused: Okay sure a party at Siston Common sounds perfect, there in a jiffy, just got to stop off at The Depot and then Loco first 😵‍💫
Wow you are so stuck in the late 80's - the depot? Loco? Siston common?
Feeling a tad nostalgic?

The new Loco by Temple Meads is a great club!
Went to a great party at the underfall yard in early 90s (possibly earlier), as far as I remember smoking was a worry what with all the woodwork debris
The charity that runs it has got a Justgiving page - contained in their instagram post below:

The main building has all gone pretty much


Six years minimum seems rather low for all that destruction.

Feel very sorry for the lost boats & their owners.
And all others so badly affected.
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Hadn’t known about this until we walked past a few weeks back, don’t know how we missed it happening as we only live about a mile away. Real shame, seemed a nice spot. Hope it’s resurrected faithfully.

Guy who did it doesn’t seem to be a well man, shitty thing to do.
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