Bahnhof Strasse
Met up with Hannah Courtoy a week next Tuesday
My advise to you would be he same as @trashpony above.
Never admit anything to public officials, let me give you a simple example; if you are asked by a customs officer or police officer "have you ever taken drugs" and you answer "yes, years ago when I was younger" or "yes, but not for years" you have just given them reasonable suspicion to detain and search you, as you have made an admission of law breaking, albeit in the past. It is considered reasonable to suspect that someone who has admitted breaking the law once, that they may do it again, if you answer no, then it is not considered reasonable to assume that someone who has never broken the law will start on that day.
You may also have broken the law, cos the ESTA form asks if you are a drug abuser. Answering NO on the ESTA and then admitting to having abused drugs in the past means you have lied on your ESTA...
No to everything.
Smile sweetly, be polite and you'll be apples.