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Tom Clancy's The Division

More gameplay footage... they are calling it a very RPGish Destiny.. which it both delightful and worrying at the same time.
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Ubisoft is now allowing uploads of upto an hrs worth of gameplay from players who were invited to play for 3 hrs..
Good review here with mentions of similarities to Mass Effect.. I guess the main mission 'Take back New York' was also inspired by ME3's final mission 'Take back Earth'
Apparently the game will have a 'social hub' or green zone (as well as PVP in the 'Dark Zone' and co-op) where you can
'Withdraw from the combat zones of New York and refresh yourself, here you have the opportunity to talk with other players, change your equipment, build new alliances and more. Moreover, you always have an overview of your characters and change their appearance as you like it.'
I've never played an online game but may be teaming up with a few people I follow on Twitch.. its going to be an interesting game I think.. if it works..
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Have pre-ordered which means I get access to the beta. Will play that a great deal decide whether to keep the game on pre-order.
Please report back here with your impressions of the Beta :)
Someone who played the alpha a is pretty sceptical, they said from what they saw, the game will fail because there isn't enough time to fix everything before release in March..
Alpha players always say that.;)

I've downloaded and got a few games arranged with friend s once it unlocks this Friday.
So far I have seen no evidence that this game is an RPG.. I think they are claiming it is to get RPG people interested in the game. I've seen no character voice acting, no interaction with npcs except when Miss Yau steps in and speaks on your behalf.
I've only seen lots of running around shooting hoodies...
So far I have seen no evidence that this game is an RPG.. I think they are claiming it is to get RPG people interested in the game. I've seen no character voice acting, no interaction with npcs except when Miss Yau steps in and speaks on your behalf.
I've only seen lots of running around shooting hoodies...
Do you have stats that you can increase? Can you make your own trousers? That's usually what they mean by "RPG".

OK maybe not the trousers bit.
My interpretation of RPG is where you play a role in the game, making choices, participating in dialogue which results in a certain outcome, following a storyline that you create.
I don't see how crafting, secret numbers shooting etc etc makes it an RPG..
whoever made it said:
For us, one of the biggest challenges is figuring out how to tell people how much of an RPG it is," Cortes explains. “It has shooting, and is shooter-like. If you look at it, that’s the whole point because we want it to be very immersive. But it’s not a shooter with some RPG stats tacked on. It’s actually a proper RPG from the very beginning. There’s deep progression when it comes to loot, gear and levels and you’ll be able to customise every skill, do exactly what you want and choose roles. So, that’s probably the biggest communication challenge. We want to make clear to everyone that it’s an RPG."

RPG is often just shorthand for having a persistent, customisable character. You make choices about them, rather than the story I suppose.

I haven't played this but it sounds like that's what they mean by it.
I agree with you btw moon - I don't think just being able to pick different abilities makes anything an RPG but the world is full of idiots innit.
Have been following all of the beta news this last few days...it definitely looks like it has potential, but I wonder if there's enough depth to keep me playing after the first few weeks or so. I know there's crafting and all the loot and such but it seems like the PvP is what will draw folk...otherwise it's kinda walking the same streets having gun fights with the same, but more bullet spongy, adversaries.

I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing, mind...not every game has to be a fallout or skyrim...
It's an RPG, and very much a beta. Pretty good fun so far but feels like there's a lot more we're not getting a chance to play.

Really enjoy the swat team like squad gameplay. Having to think tactically while under pressure and resisting FPS spray and pray is great fun!
It's an RPG, and very much a beta. Pretty good fun so far but feels like there's a lot more we're not getting a chance to play.

Really enjoy the swat team like squad gameplay. Having to think tactically while under pressure and resisting FPS spray and pray is great fun!
Do I have to buy anything to play it? Or do I just sign up?
Pre-order to play, it finishes today and is effectively closed; something about too many sign ups because people realized an old trick. You can pre-order the digital edition, get the beta then cancel the pre-order (pre-orders only take money two or three days before release anyway) and you keep your beta access.
If anyone is thinking of pre-ordering this, you can do it as part of the latest Humble Bundle and you get a load of games 'free' as well: Call of Juarez, Rayman Origins, Farcry 3, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Assassin's Creed Rogue and some others.

Pretty good deal, like. $75, so ~ £51. Launch price is £39 I think.
So, any reports back from the Beta? moon ? Kid_Eternity ? mwgdrwg ?

My son was up until the small hours, had to tell him to get the fuck to bed when I got up for a wee :D so I think it's safe to say he's enjoying it.

Dark Zone seemed to work, lots of teams of 2 and just a few fours, pretty balanced, watched my son and a random he teamed up with beat a team of 4 through good tactics and grenades, much swearing from the 4 :D

Graphics on the PC don't seem to be all that though, even with everything turned up to 11, I was expecting a bit more
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