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Thread to document institutional animal abuse

Jeff Robinson

Marxist-Lentilist: Jackboots and Jackfruit
NOTE: Not a vegan/anti-vegan bun fight thread - please dont make it one.

A thread to record and discuss investigations, exposes and reports documenting animal abuse on farms, research labs, zoos, hunts, racing etc in the UK.

Recent animal equality investigation into 'cross farms', a red tractor approved farm that supplies pig flesh to Tescos.

The investigation found:
  • Piglets ‘thumped’ and killed against concrete walls;
  • Piglets having their tails cut off and their teeth ‘clipped’, without anaesthetic;
  • A piglet thrown by workers across the shed;
  • Dead piglets throughout the farm. Paperwork reported that piglets had died from starvation, sickness, or after being crushed;
  • A bin full of dead piglets and rotting corpses on the barn floor;
  • Mother pigs in cages showing repetitive behaviours, a sign of psychological distress, such as bar-biting. One pig, who had attempted to turn inside the cage, became caught beneath the metal bars, suffering deep, bloody wounds as a result;
  • Mother pigs suffering from red, raw leg sores and vulval prolapses;
  • And filthy conditions in the barns, with cobwebs and dust present throughout.

I sometimes wonder what the old bill do to dogs and horses when they train them. It must be weird being congratulated and rewarded for aggression

The horses aren't aggressive, but they have to be very brave and responsive to commands. Someone I knew had a horse that was a failed police horse, it got freaked out in crowds, which is a bit of a no-no when one of their main uses is crowd control.
The horses aren't aggressive, but they have to be very brave and responsive to commands. Someone I knew had a horse that was a failed police horse, it got freaked out in crowds, which is a bit of a no-no when one of their main uses is crowd control.
Horses are flight not fight animals so they do have to be exceptionally brave to stand their ground in a crowd situation, especially if the crowd is being aggressive. You only have to look at those three cavalry horses who bolted through London a few months ago when they were spooked by some builders sending rubble down through a chute....and these are horses who are use to the London traffic!
Here's the RSPCA's take on chicken factory farming in the UK:

More meat chickens (also known as 'broilers') are farmed in the UK than any other type of farmed animal except fish. Unfortunately, the majority of meat chickens are reared to standards that we believe aren't good enough in terms of animal welfare.

Here's the RSPCA's take on chicken factory farming in the UK:

And unfortunately, the RSCPA themselves are complicit in this system. I have recorded in various posts (see e.g., here, here and here) how egregious animal abuse occurs on 'RSPCA assured' farms.

And its not just a case of a 'few bad apples'. Just earlier this year Animal Rising published the findings of the largest undercover investigation into animal farming in history. It investigated 45 "RSPCA-assured" farms and found widespread animal suffering, breaches of the RSPCA scheme and violations of animal welfare law at every single one

“Some of these RSPCA Assured farms do not even comply with basic legal requirements even though they hold themselves out to the public as being a ‘higher welfare’ supplier. This is effectively fraud, particularly when a welfare conscious consumer selects a product based on that sense of higher welfare and ethical treatment of sentient beings.”- Ayesha Smart, specialist barrister in animal welfare law

Some of findings:

at an RSPCA Assured farm in Norfolk, investigators found dead and dying baby chicks suffering from starvation and dehydration, with living chicks pecking at the dead.

at an RSPCA Assured farm in Somerset, investigators found a dead pig’s decomposing body in the alleyway between pens, where other pigs were dying from viral and bacterial infections, as evidenced by vet reports.

at an RSPCA Assured farm in Wiltshire, investigators found two dying pigs convulsing in a pool of excrement, unable to get up, separated from others and left to experience terrible suffering.

at an RSPCA Assured farm in Scotland, investigators found salmon infested with lice, with missing eyes and other body parts, open wounds.

Chris Packham, the RSPCA's president, was so shocked by the findings, that he is demanding the RSPCA end their scheme:

Now some RSPCA branches are starting to demand that the RSPCA ends the scheme too.
perhaps people seeking others' opinions could offer some of their own instead. for me, raising animals for slaughter is animal abuse be they never so well treated while alive.
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And unfortunately, the RSCPA themselves are complicit in this system. I have recorded in various posts (see e.g., here, here and here) how egregious animal abuse occurs on 'RSPCA assured' farms.

And its not just a case of a 'few bad apples'. Just earlier this year Animal Rising published the findings of the largest undercover investigation into animal farming in history. It investigated 45 "RSPCA-assured" farms and found widespread animal suffering, breaches of the RSPCA scheme and violations of animal welfare law at every single one

Some of findings:

at an RSPCA Assured farm in Norfolk, investigators found dead and dying baby chicks suffering from starvation and dehydration, with living chicks pecking at the dead.

at an RSPCA Assured farm in Somerset, investigators found a dead pig’s decomposing body in the alleyway between pens, where other pigs were dying from viral and bacterial infections, as evidenced by vet reports.

at an RSPCA Assured farm in Wiltshire, investigators found two dying pigs convulsing in a pool of excrement, unable to get up, separated from others and left to experience terrible suffering.

at an RSPCA Assured farm in Scotland, investigators found salmon infested with lice, with missing eyes and other body parts, open wounds.

Chris Packham, the RSPCA's president, was so shocked by the findings, that he is demanding the RSPCA end their scheme:

Now some RSPCA branches are starting to demand that the RSPCA ends the scheme too.
Salmon farming is utterly vile in every respect, from diseased fish to the sea bed damage, to the sea lice that are affecting wild salmon and the food fish that is diverted to feed farmed salmon.
Pressure group Animal Justice Project (AJP) has released footage from an undercover operation at pig abattoir, C&K Meats, supplying pork products to major supermarkets - an abattoir backed by RSPCA Assured.

The newly released footage shows visible injuries, lameness, wounds, abnormal growths and other deformities; unclean pens and poor hygiene practices; severe stress indicators, such as frothing at the mouth and heavy panting.

Dr Alice Brough, an experienced veterinarian, said: “This is typical of a UK abattoir: pigs are not afforded a peaceful exit.

“They are handled without care in many instances — some drop dead from the stress of unloading, others arrive with severe welfare issues from the farm of origin — in breach of transport law, and several are dead on arrival.

“Enough pigs are found in acute distress, expressing fear and pain, to clearly indicate that this is not an isolated or infrequent issue.”

Last week the Guardian published a bleak photo essay on factory farms across the Europe and how they impact local human communities, the environment and the animals themselves.

Here are chickens enjoying the EU’s robust animal welfare laws in Italy:


And the animals? Dust, darkness or constant artificial light, deafening noise, stifling stenches, lack of space, dirt and excrement, disease, abuse: these are the conditions for animals living on intensive farms. Chickens typically have a smaller area than a sheet of A4 paper to move around in, while breeding sows are segregated inside crates that do not allow them to turn around.

The conditions necessary for these intensive production methods to be effective are clear: overpopulations of animals crammed into confined spaces, constant high temperatures, and poor hygiene. These conditions not only make the lives of animals in industrial farming horrendous but increase the risk of dangerous pathogens developing at a time of increasingly frequent novel epidemics and pandemics.

"It is estimated that each year, 80 billion land animals are slaughtered for food."
...i remember an argument about whether its appropriate to use the word holocaust for animal slaughter.....whatever the word its on a scale far worse than any human war
The horses aren't aggressive, but they have to be very brave and responsive to commands. Someone I knew had a horse that was a failed police horse, it got freaked out in crowds, which is a bit of a no-no when one of their main uses is crowd control.
Didn't know that...was going from my football fan experiences in the 1980s where the old bill used to get them to hit you with their heads...used to fucking hurt...especially to a 14 Yr old minding his own business
Despite strong scientific evidence that lobsters and crabs are sentient, recent legal recognition of their sentience and laws prohibiting causing invertibrates avoidable pain, distress or suffering, lobsters and crabs are boiled alive in sea 'food' resturants up and down the country

In seafood restaurants across the globe, chefs kill lobsters in one of two ways: either slicing them in half or boiling them alive. The latter process is so violent and unpalatable that chefs sometimes leave the room while the animal is being boiled. It's a common sight for lobsters to frantically scratch at the pot in a desperate attempt to escape. Despite this, the world still has only in part accepted the scientific idea that lobsters, like other crustaceans, do indeed feel pain...

But why are lobsters cooked alive? The response lies in the harmful bacteria that live in the flesh of some sea animals. When the animal dies, these bacteria quickly spread, and aren't always killed by cooking. In order to avoid poisoning the humans eating them, lobsters are thrown into scalding water while still fully conscious – a practice so cruel that it is banned in Switzerland, Norway, and New Zealand, as well as Reggio Emilia, a city in northern Italy.

Being boiled alive is not the only way that lobsters are subjected to extreme agony. Prior to being cooked and eaten, the animals are sometimes shipped internationally, across vast distances. In the UK, an overwhelming majority of lobsters fished are shipped to other territories, sometimes as far as China. The UK also exports lobsters to Mediterranean countries to a value of £80million annually. During this transit, animals are often packed into boxes and can be transported in clingfilm, which causes them to suffocate. They are commonly kept on ice for hours during transport and upon arrival at restaurants – this is a practice that was banned in Switzerland and Italy, after courts determined that doing so would cause them undue suffering.

A thread to record and discuss investigations, exposes and reports documenting animal abuse on farms, research labs, zoos, hunts, racing etc in the UK.

What is controversial about compiling cases of documented animal abuse?

Graham Marshall and Paige Reaney have appeared in court accused of causing unnecessary suffering to a dog called Charlie by 'regularly subjecting him to habitual sexual activity', after allegedly having sex with it at least five times between August 2019 and December 2022. They also face a charge of failing to protect him from pain and suffering caused by habitual sexual activity.

Graham Marshall, of no fixed address, is charged with aiding and abetting Paige Reaney to have sexual intercourse with a dog.

Paige Reaney is charged with an offence relating to causing or allowing sexual intercourse with the same dog.

Graham Marshall is also charged with one count of voyeurism and three counts of possessing extreme pornographic images relating to sexual acts involving an animal. He also faces eight counts of making indecent photographs/pseudo-photographs of children, including some said to be Category A, the most serious.

Paige Reaney, of Sheffield, South Yorkshire, is also charged with one count of possessing extreme pornographic images relating to sexual acts involving an animal.


(Source: as stated in image)

Graham Marshall


(Source: as stated in image)

Paige Reaney

Paige Reaney, Graham Marshall: Trial date set for Sheffield man & woman charged with dog sex offences
Someone on one of the frog groups on FB shared a very graphic image of dead amphibians after developers had put up an 'amphibian barrier' and destroyed the site a week afterwards so that the amphibians had no way to get out from the barrier. :mad:
Eggs laid by chickens in tightly packed industrial warehouses with no access to the outdoors can now be labelled 'free range'. rendering the term basically meaningless:
They already could be labelled free range, if they usually had access to outside space but were being kept indoors while bird flu housing measures were in place. The difference is that now producers won't have to change their labelling after 16 weeks if the measures haven't been lifted yet.

(I'm not posting in support of the conditions chickens are kept in on the more intensive commercial farms, but inaccurate reporting isn't helpful)
They already could be labelled free range, if they usually had access to outside space but were being kept indoors while bird flu housing measures were in place. The difference is that now producers won't have to change their labelling after 16 weeks if the measures haven't been lifted yet.

(I'm not posting in support of the conditions chickens are kept in on the more intensive commercial farms, but inaccurate reporting isn't helpful)

How is that inaccurate reporting? They used to be able to be labelled free range for up to 16 weeks during mandatory housing measures, now they can be labelled free range for an indefinate period.
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