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This week I find myself in Liverpool


rolling turds in glitter
I find myself in Liverpool on a course for a week

First time ever

Based near Baltic triangle and course in basically on the river (Brunswick)

City life is all a bit fast and furious for me.

Working 0900-1500 daily rest of the time just kicking my heels

Any recommendations for shit to do gratefully received

Leaving Saturday
Tate Liverpool? Or go and have a look at the cathedrals. You could also pop over to the Wirral and go and wander around Port Sunlight.

Also can highly recommend Liverpool museum and library. The museum has odd things like mummies and the library is an amazing building.
Liverpool, the city of my birth, has an absolute fuckton of things to do, museums, art galleries, concerts, plays, often lots of street theatre and art as well. It's traditional to use the ;ferry cross the mersey', one can stay on for a return trip. You're near the three graces down at the pier head, all worth a good mooch. Keep y'hand on y'wallet though, there are some willing to deprive you of it. There's the cavern area if Beatles work for you, your course is also near the yellow submarine on the dock. The smuggler's cove on the albert dock was very good for food when I was last there. I would avoid Liverpool One, the newish shopping/eating area in town, if you don't like too many people etc. What interests you ?
I find myself in Liverpool on a course for a week

First time ever

Based near Baltic triangle and course in basically on the river (Brunswick)

City life is all a bit fast and furious for me.

Working 0900-1500 daily rest of the time just kicking my heels

Any recommendations for shit to do gratefully received

Leaving Saturday

If you get a sunny day, go to the RC cathedral. The stained glass in the lantern is absolutely stunning.
The Ship and Mitre is a cracking pub.

Chinatown good for food and exploring.

I really rate the Kazimier gardens for evening music and having a beer.

I enjoyed the Walker art gallery (lots of museums there and there's regularly interesting exhibitions on, including about slavery due to the history of the city.

Get a box of chicken and a can of coke in a southern accent ;)
The Ship and Mitre is a cracking pub.

Chinatown good for food and exploring.

I really rate the Kazimier gardens for evening music and having a beer.

I enjoyed the Walker art gallery (lots of museums there and there's regularly interesting exhibitions on, including about slavery due to the history of the city.

Get a box of chicken and a can of coke in a southern accent ;)
Waaaaaay back in the day, the chef of the Kaz was my landlord 😃
:D:D 0900-1600 days so got time for good stuff thanks for the suggestions

ETA 0930-1400 more like it!!

I took partial retirement, went down to Mon - Thurs 09:00 - 14:00.

When I reviewed how many cases I had handled in the first month of partial retirement vs a full month, my cases per hour worked had risen by nearly 10%.
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