She said she had something to share with the audience then burst into a bit of 'Born this way'
I was hoping she was going to call Tulisa a cunt or something
Can I just mention that I thought Harry looked utterly delicious tonight?
Tulisa is so dumb. It's a bad song choice because she's never heard it before.
Tulisa is a complete bellend.
Saying that, neither Janet or Amelia's song choices were really movie songs just songs that happen to be on soundtracks.
I sound like fucking Louis now. *facepalm*
Amelia's song was in the Blues Brothers - proper movie song that!
How the hell can Tulisa not have heard it before? Perhaps she's never heard of Aretha Franklin either...................
i missed it last night. Can someone please fill me in. Who sung what? Who was good (if anyone) and who was crap? What did Janet sing then? Who's likely to be kicked out tonight?
HOW does Janet keep getting through?? She's such a one trick pony!
Anyone else think she looks like Kat Slater?