Live Baby Fabric!
Is it me or is Deromot a really annoying twunt?
Isn't it time we put him to bed?
Isn't it time we put him to bed?
You're not there?What has happened? My family are squealing with delight in the next room.
Is it me or is Deromot a really annoying twunt?
Isn't it time we put him to bed?
Undoubtedly a stylist from Topshop.
Or at least that is who used to do it.
my son did when he worked for Topman.
His girlfriend did the girls
used to be ;DSo your son's girlfriend is responsible for the girls?
i dont care if Dermot can sing or not. I'm not interested in his singing.
YES im sure he has
Is it you who went out with him then?
A bit worrying if it was me, and i was saying 'I'm sure....' rather than 'he has....' !
I don't really find Dermot wildly attractive or anything. It's more his personality i like, the way he relates to people, his enthusiasm. I just compare him to the shit presenter on Xfactor USA, who is probably conventionally far more 'good looking', but totally charisma-less & therefore not remotely attractive atall (imo)
He's shite that Steve Jones
very impressive swordsman though....