Azrael23 said:
They did work out the odds of having terror drills on the same days as actual attacks and at the same targets. The number has 48 0`s.
Of course the drills are needed because that way anyone caught doing something they shouldn`t be or radion chatter picked up can be blamed on the drill.
Yeah, the odds worked out were astronomical.
My take on it is that the simulacra externally acting is co-inciding with the simulacra internally acting.
It is re-producing the real through us.
Deleuze wrote about 'lines of flight' and traced lines, i am saying that the point of convergence is 'co-incidence'.
The simulacra is internalised to such a point that human agency is subsumed. These top brass officials are completely taken over by the simulacra and its line of flight and traced line are converging.
Usually co-incidence occurs with small effects, meeting someone you know when on holiday or picking the phone up at the same time as it begins to ring. Unfortunately the simulacra has become internalised to such an extent that beaurocracy [derived through the simulacra] and human action [simulacra subsumed] are interlinking with devasting effects.
The exercise drills were mimicked exactly and at the same time as human action. At this point it is assumed, using thinking processes that developed out of the Marxist school of thought, that someone was controlling these events. Someone, a group with their own agency. Yet my explanation is that it is more horrific.
As phil dwyer indicated pages ago, it is actually the Devil. When you hear researchers going on about 'satanists', 'devil worshippers' they are talking about the economic system, the simulacra, being worshipped and beign allowed to act through them. The God position has been replaced by money [the fear of the iconoclasts and the fear that Baudrillard expands upon writing about simulacra].
Politicians and world leaders have no idea how the fuck these two events happened, but they do know that the vast governmental structure with multiple departments are completely out of control and are determined to reign them in. With all this new legislation, the plan [by these nutters] is to create a totalitarian system in which the few at the top of government have total control over all human action.. and thus in their thinking prevent these events happening again. ---
they are fucking crazy, they have lost their minds.
a fascist dictatorship is their only option.
So you see, i do not follow the trains of thought that 'That group' there is doing all this, that the government committed 911 and that the government committed 7/7. Listen to Alex Jones, Paul Watson, David Icke, Michael Ruppert, Peter Dale Scott they all agree that 'government funded terrorism is being carried out'. They are quiet clear not to say 'the government did it', just that ' the government was complicit'.