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The U.K. Gig Economy

Can only hope This doesn't have too many financial implications for you.

Im currently in a long waiting list call to my local Ford dealer to try and sort an extension on the van I’ve been provided earlier today as it’s only booked to be with me for 2 days as it was set up via the AA.

It’s an absolute joke tbh, just get passed from pillar to post. Makes you question the worth of manufacturers warranties when you have to do all the running around.
There are implications of using a work van, if you didn't havecto rent it, I imagine as it could take you a step nearer to being a fully fledged employee as opposed to contractor or self employed with no rights.
Marty1 do all Amazon delivery drivers provide / fund their own vans?

Sorry - I should have said that in my driver agency most drivers have or are moving to getting their own vans but there are still quite a few drivers (new starters) who are hiring vans off agency.

Amazon is taking proactive action ahead of Wednesday’s annual shareholders meeting—at which investors plan on demanding the company address worker safety issues after at least eight warehouse employees have died of COVID-19—by pushing a package to local news outlets that promotes the corporation’s health and safety efforts.

While most TV news professionals have scoffed at the idea of running Amazon-provided content as news, at least 11 stations across the country ran some form of the package on their news broadcasts. The package—you can view the script Amazon provided to news stations here—was produced by Amazon spokesperson Todd Walker. Only one station, Toledo ABC affiliate WTVG, acknowledged that Walker was an Amazon employee, not a news reporter, and that the content had come from Amazon.

Total fucking scumbags - trying to control the narrative as some sort of caring company and hero’s during this pandemic ffs.

The reality is they’ve literally exploited workers to death and now are shitting it that the families of those who have died from contracting C-19 at Amazon warehouses will sue them for millions.

Amazon are vultures who have been picking the bones clean off the global economy whilst Bezos cuntface has made billions off the back of it all.
Amazon are officially ending the extra £2 per hour hazard pay on 30/05/2020 to all Amazon workers including drivers.

So there you go, according to Amazon, from the 30th, C-19 will no longer pose enough threat to workers to justify hazard pay.
Of course it will be safe from June 1, no questions...wasnt there a recent fuss in a German warehouse where staff kicked up a stink about a lack of ppe and safe working practices?
think about this, I guess it could apply to many of their warehouses right now
Wondering if FridgeMagnet got anywhere with negotiating terms with Amazon :D
Of course it will be safe from June 1, no questions...wasnt there a recent fuss in a German warehouse where staff kicked up a stink about a lack of ppe and safe working practices?
think about this, I guess it could apply to many of their warehouses right now
Wondering if FridgeMagnet got anywhere with negotiating terms with Amazon :D

Certainly explains why Amazon are keen to drum up propaganda news segments (see Fridgemagnet’s post) praising (themselves) of how super they’ve been throughout this pandemic - yes, we’re paying our slaves their normal pittance now but look at this shiny news segment.

I wonder if they stop providing their 4 day PPE packs? Suppose they’ve got to stop otherwise they’d be contradicting themselves.
Speaking to another driver this morning - he’s been working 6 days throughout this pandemic and now regrets it. Couple of days ago he tried to get through a gap that was too small and ended up crumping his side load door and back wing against a fence.

So all the gains he’s made financially are now lost to repair costs. Says he’s constantly exhausted and puts his accident down to this :(
Support driver today - I’m waiting at one of the services on the A19 to meet another driver to take some parcels off him.

A19 is busy, almost back to normal to pre-pandemic times.
So - as expected, Amazon’s unrelenting insatiable and irresistible greed shines through - hazard pay has ceased yet the work load continues to be massive (higher than Black Monday and Xmas) yet drivers still have to adhere to social distancing delivery guidance and wear face masks.

Meanwhile Jeff Bezos is quietly increasing his net worth by billions whilst virtue signalling on Twitter and social media. Make no mistake - Bezos gives zero fucks about anyone but himself and his company who have recently been called out by a senior source for racism and exploitation of workers.
A welcome focus on Amazon and it’s continued failings:

At Amazon, many warehouses recognized the day by encouraging workers to dress in black.

“What does a black shirt do for anybody in terms of social justice?” said Adrienne Williams, a black contract driver for Amazon in the Bay Area, who organized a vigil for Juneteenth. Better pay, she said, would do far more. “That would cut down the pre-existing condition that is poverty,” she said.

Enough of your meaningless words Bezos - hows about some action to stop treating your workers like slaves?

Suggest you try it first. I have no idea of Marty's circumstances. There may be any number of ways in getting money for a holiday. It's not for me to make assumptions.
Suggest you try it first. I have no idea of Marty's circumstances. There may be any number of ways in getting money for a holiday. It's not for me to make assumptions.

I’m sure no one that ever unionised faced such harsh circumstances as Marty1

Oh to have a job so easy I can post endless alt-right youtube videos and defend donald trump without breaking a sweat.
Is it about a doing financially well racist that wouldn’t take a job on less money but for a better employer if it was offered to him?

How many gig economy workers do you know taking two week holidays in the sun like Marty1

clicks on show ignored content (and braces for impact)

Oh how nice of you - not only do you begrudge me being diverse but now you begrudge me any holidays :facepalm:
clicks on show ignored content (and braces for impact)

Oh how nice of you - not only do you begrudge me being diverse but now you begrudge me any holidays :facepalm:

Marty the Nazi. I begrudge you life. People like you have destroyed so many lives of the vulnerable.

Keep Voting tory you absolute filth.
It’s pretty interesting seeing how our routes have panned out since the beginning of the lockdown (apart from the obvious increase in workload).

As more and more people have relied on Amazon the routes have become incredibly condensed/concentrated. The route I did today was mega compact - no drop was more than 2 mins away from the previous and a lot of the time around 30 seconds or less between drops. In some streets/estates of say 20 houses I was delivering to 50/60% of them.

We still can’t leave parcels with neighbours so as people are starting to return to work there’s an increase in people not being home so although my route finish times are quicker, reattempts have increased which takes away from any gains.
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