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The Tourist / iPlayer

anyone getting into this ? I know its invariably bollocks but I'm enjoying the series. it got a nice touch of black comedy about it

eta, I thought i recognised the lead but couldnt place him - was in the A Private war - the Marie Colvin biopic
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Had meant to check it out as I’d heard good things about it, and your post prompted me to start it. Nearly finished the first episode and enjoying it so far. Very positive critical reviews as well, I see.
anyone getting into this ? I know its invariably bollocks but I'm enjoying the series. it got a nice touch of black comedy about it

eta, I thought i recognised the lead but couldnt place him - was in the A Private war - the Marie Colvin biopic
Isn’t he the bloke from Fifty Shades of Grey?
I put this on for something to watch and ended up binging it in two settings. Hokum, but hugely enjoyable hokum, and I think they pitch the humour of it very well.

I quite liked the ambiguity of the ending though I've heard some people really disliked it
Just watched the first two episodes and really enjoying it. Darkly comic with some nice twist and turns to the plot and the Icelandic/ American actor Ólafur Darri Ólafsson as the baddie
As a very minor plot hole (IMO), it is extraordinarily unlikely that anyone from Europe would be unable to drive "a stick" car- or even use such massive Americanism in the first place to describe a manual transmission car. .
Two and a half eps in - got summoned to pick up one of the teenagers midway through ep 3 last night :mad: - but it's great fun. Like the Fargo comparison - the evil truck driver chap could certainly have wandered in from a Coen brothers film.
I liked it a lot too. The humour was perfect. Without it, it would not have been anything like as good.

It did go a bit daft towards the end but never quite tipped into total nonsense.

I liked the ending as well. Makes a nice change to not have everything neatly sewn up in a happy ending
I liked it a lot too. The humour was perfect. Without it, it would not have been anything like as good.

It did go a bit daft towards the end but never quite tipped into total nonsense.

I liked the ending as well. Makes a nice change to not have everything neatly sewn up in a happy ending
Same here about the ending. Not an uncommon device in film and TV of course. In a way, I sometimes prefer it. I am choosing to believe the filmmaker is letting you decide the ultimate fate of the protagonist(s), and both outcomes are valid and compatible with what the makers intended.
Same here about the ending. Not an uncommon device in film and TV of course. In a way, I sometimes prefer it. I am choosing to believe the filmmaker is letting you decide the ultimate fate of the protagonist(s), and both outcomes are valid and compatible with what the makers intended.
Exactly this. I loved the ending.
I liked it a lot. The story was only very loosely explained through memories rekindled by acid. Two characters were thoroughly likeable
I binged watched this last week with a friend, wasn't sure about it during the first part, until right at the end, then it just took off in part 2, and we both thoroughly enjoyed it too.
I haven't watched last nights episode (number 4) yet. I enjoyed episode 1 and 2 but in episode 3 it turned into comic book style violence. The big beardy man shooting out all the windows out in the house the good guys were in - why? It felt like i was watching the A team. Then he got stabbed twice and fell down a well, appeared dead but was then miraculously fine and uninjured 5 minutes later. It kinda ruined it for me. I'll watch the last 3 episodes as I'm half way through but a bit disappointed.
I enjoyed it a lot, I agree the humour put it into another level from what it could have been, especially in the penultimate episode, and the way characters twisted and turned from who you thought they were was great. It's not the kind of thing I normally watched and the trailers didn't put over its humour that much but I'm glad I saw it. Loved Helen - a hero for our times!
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Helen rocks!

And thank God she got rid off shit fiance bloke.

Honorary mention to Dewey Crowe (aka DI Rogers). Took me a while to work it out. The Australian/Kentucky thing confused me. :oops:
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