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The Tomb Of Horrors - is ALIVE!!!

Well, alive in Sketchup anyway.

Yes, I've just finished my 3D version of the infamous TSR "meatgrinder" AD&D module The Tomb Of Horrors - AD&D's "Saw" episode (every TV series, film series and pretty much everything else seems to have a Saw episode these days).

You'll need to have Google's Sketchup installed but that's easy enough. Get it from here.

Then download my ToH model from here.

I've done 2 versions, the second has all the doors opened so you can walkthough it in Sketchup once you've mastered the movement controls or just fly around it.

Quick sketchup tutorial:
Middle mouse button = orbit,
Mousewheel = zoom in and out
Click on the hand icon to move it around up, down, left and right.
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