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The spanish flu of 1918


No amount of cajolery...
Can anyone recommend anything good to read on this? Ive started reading Laura Spinneys book Pale Rider which I'm enjoying so far but does anyone know of anything else? It's kind of a huge gap in my knowledge of history.
OK. I know this isn't a book and it's a YouTube link and enjoy is almost certainly the wrong word to use however, I've watched this three or four times now. I still take something new from it each time I watch it and it's shocking to see that NOTHING has been learned. The same mistakes are been made again

OK. I know this isn't a book and it's a YouTube link and enjoy is almost certainly the wrong word to use however, I've watched this three or four times now. I still take something new from it each time I watch it and it's shocking to see that NOTHING has been learned. The same mistakes are been made again
Bloody hell ...
Bloody hell ...

I know, it's truly horrifying isn't it

It was right after the first watch through of that, that I fundamentally changed my opinion of the current Covid-19 pandemic. Right up until then I was, kinda, in the "well, it's just like a bad 'flu, innit" school of denier

Then my opinions fundamentally changed . . . wonder why?
OK. I know this isn't a book and it's a YouTube link and enjoy is almost certainly the wrong word to use however, I've watched this three or four times now. I still take something new from it each time I watch it and it's shocking to see that NOTHING has been learned. The same mistakes are been made again

Fucking hell, what a total nightmare. :(

I had a little bird, its name was Enza. I opened the window and in-flu-enza. [ETA - Kid's jump roping song].
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Amazing that we were brought up on "Ring a ring of roses" and possible connections to the bubonic plague, and then learned about WW1, but never about the flu until this pandemic, really ...
It should be taught at school. I posted earlier on this thread my dad lost his dad and his four sisters to the 1919 pandemic. He used to go wild with people who said, it’s just flu!
I had heard the term Spanish Flu, but I didn't know much about it. That video certainly expands my knowledge, what a nightmare it must have been. And no wonder people that knew about this like Bill Gates were predicting there would be another Pandemic at some point.
OK. I know this isn't a book and it's a YouTube link and enjoy is almost certainly the wrong word to use however, I've watched this three or four times now. I still take something new from it each time I watch it and it's shocking to see that NOTHING has been learned. The same mistakes are been made again

tis one of the better ones

PBS did one as well thats on Youtube

Would love to Find a BBC Doc/Drama series they did a few years ago but its not online

for some reason early this years was watching loads of stuff about the spanish flu

Who knew
I've just got to a chapter in pale rider on social distancing. Although of course it wasn't called that back then. Interesting that in parts of Spain local media called for a 'sanitary dictatorship' and lockdown at the time, but wanted the church to be exempt even though it was where many of the infections were coming from :(
OK. I know this isn't a book and it's a YouTube link and enjoy is almost certainly the wrong word to use however, I've watched this three or four times now. I still take something new from it each time I watch it and it's shocking to see that NOTHING has been learned. The same mistakes are been made again
We just watched this, bloody Nora.

Just watched this, not for the faith hearted, lots of blood, but recommended as it's more focused on the UK.

I can't remember when/why/how I became aware of the Spanish Flu, but I've known for years that it killed over 50 million, possibly as many as 100 million across the world, and had nowt to do with Spain, as it had started in the US, which is ironic considering Trump the cunt likes to blame China for the latest pandemic.

I was also aware that there was a chance of another pandemic, but because of the advances in public health & medical scientist, I guess I had convinced myself the chances were low, which is probably why when SAR-CoV2 first surfaced earlier this year, I assumed it wouldn't be a major problem and would be kept under control like the original SARS and MERS, until it basically disappeared.

What a bloody wake-up call it's ended up being.

I reckon idiots against lock-downs, mask-wearing, and anti-vaxxer should all be focused to watch these documentaries.
Just watched this, not for the faith hearted, lots of blood, but recommended as it's more focused on the UK.

I can't remember when/why/how I became aware of the Spanish Flu, but I've known for years that it killed over 50 million, possibly as many as 100 million across the world, and had nowt to do with Spain, as it had started in the US, which is ironic considering Trump the cunt likes to blame China for the latest pandemic.

I was also aware that there was a chance of another pandemic, but because of the advances in public health & medical scientist, I guess I had convinced myself the chances were low, which is probably why when SAR-CoV2 first surfaced earlier this year, I assumed it wouldn't be a major problem and would be kept under control like the original SARS and MERS, until it basically disappeared.

What a bloody wake-up call it's ended up being.

I reckon idiots against lock-downs, mask-wearing, and anti-vaxxer should all be focused to watch these documentaries.

You know exactly what they'll say though don't you

Fake news

It's not worth bothering with

If it wasn't for the fact that they could infect me and mine I'd happily let nature take its course.
Spain was neutral in World War One and unlike other countries was not subject to censorship law. Other nations involved in the war were fearful of lowering morale if news got out about the pandemic Hence the term “Spanish Flu”..
So surreal seeing Wendy Barclay showing the UK 2014 pandemic preparedness paper given what was to happen in the intervening years.
It's a good job SARS COV2 - is so far a lot less vicious ...
I've just got to a chapter in pale rider on social distancing. Although of course it wasn't called that back then. Interesting that in parts of Spain local media called for a 'sanitary dictatorship' and lockdown at the time, but wanted the church to be exempt even though it was where many of the infections were coming from :(
I read that chapter yesterday. Tye Church actually doing a roaring trade because of the flu and more getting infected because of it.
Just watched this, not for the faith hearted, lots of blood, but recommended as it's more focused on the UK.

I can't remember when/why/how I became aware of the Spanish Flu, but I've known for years that it killed over 50 million, possibly as many as 100 million across the world, and had nowt to do with Spain, as it had started in the US, which is ironic considering Trump the cunt likes to blame China for the latest pandemic.

I was also aware that there was a chance of another pandemic, but because of the advances in public health & medical scientist, I guess I had convinced myself the chances were low, which is probably why when SAR-CoV2 first surfaced earlier this year, I assumed it wouldn't be a major problem and would be kept under control like the original SARS and MERS, until it basically disappeared.

What a bloody wake-up call it's ended up being.

I reckon idiots against lock-downs, mask-wearing, and anti-vaxxer should all be focused to watch these documentaries.
Plenty of virologists, epidemiologists and others thought similar. I listen to a podcast called This week in virology and they're constantly apologising for being wrong on pretty much everything at some point.
I read an intersting article on dockworkers in Australia during the Spanish Flu epidemic. Protested against the ban on gatherings as it prevented dockside trade union organisation and won wages rises, safety money. Cant be arsed to look for it at the moment but will search and post it up.
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