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The Queen of the South, Tulse Hill (formerly the White Hart)

Builders outside said “mid March” for the opening due to delays in “planning” - though it doesn’t look like they’ve even started on the downstairs bar yet.

Scaffolding has come off now. Not everyone will like the purple and gold paint job but the building looks good.
I called into QotS this evening. I was on my own, hoping to recognise a friendly face but didn’t see anyone.

I think they’re maybe not finished decorating yet. With the exception of a large mural behind the bar walls are plain, without any pictures, and there’s a smell of fresh paint.

It was busy, but it seemed a bit lifeless. It also seems a lot smaller than the days of the old White Hart.

I didn’t stay as I couldn’t find a seat and didn’t fancy having a pint on my own while standing.
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