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Pickman's model said:
No mention here of the fact that 1% of the us population is a member of the nra

what british body would boast a similar level of membership?

1% of the US population are members of a terrorist organisation then.

As I said about ten days ago on the main recent guns thread on this subforum, the NRA should be proscribed as such.
Yes, it was composed largely of sportsmen in generations long gone. There was some kind of internal coup in the seventies that put radical political types in control. Their message became one of backlash against the high crime rates of that era. They transformed themselves into the perfect political vehicle for organizing angry white men.

Their money comes from membership dues which basically function as political contributions plus occasional wealthy donors. Their ability to target and eliminate politicians in the heartland of the country has been quite remarkable. This is literally the first moment I've seen their dominance challenged. The only political leaders who've been able to cross them on gun policy and get away with it have been those few who come from overwhelmingly left-leaning districts. Regardless of how crazy they seem they're not going to be casually swept aside. They're as powerful as any lobbying group of any kind. This is where radical populists have been at their most effective in political organizing.

Interesting stuff, and very informative. Thanks :)
I assume you've never been aware of the pubwatch scheme or have chosen to forget it having come under its purview and found yourself banned from all pubs in yout locale? I see some eyes have rolled my way. As it is christmas I shall roll them back to their owner *fire pon babylon style bowling*
Has anyone got easy links for figures/percentages on general gun ownership in the US? (Sorry, got to go and do other stuff in a minute).

I mean, there must be a largeish minority if people, in some areas/states, who manage without them?
It seems to have lovehearts on the eagle's wings. (balloons)

oh...and why is all the grass red?

The top left is red white and blue

/text-wise, it uses 3 different fonts...fucking yuck

between the r and y there is some picture I don't know, it seems to down to the holly and across to the eagle
Interestingly, in the shadow of this event, semi automatics are selling like hotcakes, dealers having sold out at comparatively high historical prices - whether this is a respose to the shooting or a response to subsequent legislation fears, I am not sure
probably a bit of both . If theres nutters running about with assault rifles doing random shootings then its probably a good idea to tool up . Similarly if the man is going take your toys away its a good idea to tool up .

Theres also a fairly widespread belief in some gun circles of a government conspiracy surrounding this latest massacre , given the fact there were a number of reports that others were allegedly seen and even arrested at the scene of the school shooting in the immediate aftermath, but no mention made of them later on .
Theres also a fairly widespread belief in some gun circles of a government conspiracy surrounding this latest massacre , given the fact there were a number of reports that others were allegedly seen and even arrested at the scene of the school shooting in the immediate aftermath, but no mention made of them later on .

Other gunmen?
Interestingly, in the shadow of this event, semi automatics are selling like hotcakes, dealers having sold out at comparatively high historical prices - whether this is a respose to the shooting or a response to subsequent legislation fears, I am not sure
My friend who works for a company that makes sniper rifles was overwhelmed by orders after Obama was elected. It happens after
any threat real or imagined to the right to own guns. They need a culture change its far too late for gun control.
Here is an insight into the pro gun world, I had a squint at it and thought it odd:confused:
Item 10 is a link to a map of gun permit holders (which they seem outraged about and publish addresses, phone numbers and photos of the children(!) of the journos involved with clear incitement for people to intimidate them. Slightly baffled they want their permits to be secret.

The map has also persuaded me never to go north of 233rd street again
No mention here of the fact that 1% of the us population is a member of the nra

That doesn't equate to 4 million right-wing gun nuts though. I expect the majority just want to shoot at weekends, go to the barbecues and are barely politically active at all.

Shooters in the US are pretty much forced in to NRA membership because it's a condition of many of the ranges. Then there are other benefits such as discounted/free insurance, competitions and events, offers on ammunition etc., so it becomes an expensive proposition not to join.

Membership will range from liberal weekend shooters who agree with varying levels of firearms control but need an NRA card to get onto their local range, right up to the frothing fuckwits than run it, and everywhere in between.
Item 10 is a link to a map of gun permit holders (which they seem outraged about and publish addresses, phone numbers and photos of the children(!) of the journos involved with clear incitement for people to intimidate them. Slightly baffled they want their permits to be secret.

The map has also persuaded me never to go north of 233rd street again
Well would you want your address printed saying you have something worth stealing and comparing you to a child molester?
Though the retaliation was equally fuck witted.
I spose - if i wanted to join the NRA (which i don't) would I be allowed in with the sort of political views I've got? does everyone who joins it have to have those views, etc?
Someone told me that the only time the NRA have called for gun control was when the Black Panthers started organising armed patrols of Black neighbourhoods?
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