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The megadeaths of Liberalism


Ethnic nalgocrat
People are very fond of bandying around the millions that were killed by the famines in Maoist China or Stalins Ukraine, but liberalism usually gets let off the hook.

A quick tally of how many millions killed by liberal regimes in the last 100 years or so would include the 5 million, iirc, from the Bengal Famine of 1940, plus the million or so dead since ther Iraq invasion.
And how many millions killed by other famines in Asia and Africa, that were directly or indirectly the result of structural adjustment programs and the like?
This book explores the impact of colonialism and the introduction of capitalism during the El Niño-Southern Oscillation related famines of 1876–1878, 1896–1897, and 1899–1902, in India, China, Brazil, Ethiopia, Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines and New Caledonia. It focuses on how colonialism and capitalism in British India and elsewhere increased rural poverty & hunger and how economic policies exacerbated famine. The book's main conclusion is that the deaths of 30–60 million people killed in famines all over the world during the later part of the 19th century were caused by laissez faire and Malthusian economic ideology of the colonial governments.


That's just an example of a few famines. There are a lot more caused by colonial policy.

And almost any war in which the countries involved have bought weapons from the west or arms dealing intermediaries, using offshore banking to hide their money.
OK people, but lets have numbers! Ending up in a nice fat figure that we can wave in the faces of liberals who somehow think they
re better than nazis or stalinists.
How were George bush's america or tony blairs Britain liberal regimes?:confused:

Blair and Bush had the freedom to lie to the electorate, who then went out and freely voted in a democratic, multi-party election funded freely by vested interests..
almost democratic isn't really the same as a liberal regime though surely?

I mean that would make the nazi's a liberal regime wouldn't it? They got voted in democratically after lieing/scaring the electorate in a multi-party system

almost democratic isn't really the same as a liberal regime though surely?

I mean that would make the nazi's a liberal regime wouldn't it? They got voted in democratically after lieing/scaring the electorate in a multi-party system

Deaths caused by a nazi-run liberal democracy would count. But after 1936 the Weimar Republic ended and the constitution and other things were changed, so Germany was no longer a liberal democracy.

Almost forgot all those killed by liberal regimes during the First World War. That must run into the millions.
This from chomsky has stuck in my mind for years:

The results of Salvadoran military training are graphically described in the Jesuit journal America by Daniel Santiago, a Catholic priest working in El Salvador. He tells of a peasant woman who returned home one day to find her three children, her mother and her sister sitting around a table, each with its own decapitated head placed carefully on the table in front of the body, the hands arranged on top "as if each body was stroking its own head."

The assassins, from the Salvadoran National Guard, had found it hard to keep the head of an 18-month-old baby in place, so they nailed the hands onto it. A large plastic bowl filled with blood was tastefully displayed in the center of the table.

According to Rev. Santiago, macabre scenes of this kind aren't uncommon. People are not just killed by death squads in El Salvador-they are decapitated and then their heads are placed on pikes and used to dot the landscape. Men are not just disemboweled by the Salvadoran Treasury Police; their severed genitalia are stuffed into their mouths. Salvadoran women are not just raped by the National Guard; their wombs are cut from their bodies and used to cover their faces. It is not enough to kill children; they are dragged over barbed wire until the flesh falls from their bones, while parents are forced to watch.

By and large, our approach in El Salvador has been successful. The popular organizations have been decimated, just as Archbishop Romero predicted. Tens of thousands have been slaughtered and more than a million have become refugees. This is one of the most sordid episodes in US history-and it's got a lot of competition

i reckon megadeath have been responsible for a few thousand teenagers committing suicide. You should add them to the list. Shit band.

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