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The mad bad and inspired: bridge designs for a new Thames crossing between Nine Elms And Pimlico









Read all about them here: http://www.theguardian.com/artandde...er-new-bridge-across-thames-nine-elms-pimlico
I suspect a couple or three of the designs in editor's post were produced "under the influence" ! Mad & Bad they certainly are .........
Is this one being held up in the middle by helium balloons? If so I vote for it.

I think you'll find it's a combination of skyhooks AND helium balloons - helium balloons on their own wouldn't have the required lift

Now run along and get me a long weight, some striped paint and a foremans clout
I think you'll find it's a combination of skyhooks AND helium balloons - helium balloons on their own wouldn't have the required lift

Now run along and get me a long weight, some striped paint and a foremans clout

Sorry, just got back. The guy in supplies left me standing around for ages while he looked for the long weight. No striped paint either i'm afraid, just tartan - shall I go back and get that instead?

hree possible locations have been revealed for the new Thames bridge between Nine Elms and Pimlico.

The pedestrian and cycle bridge — planned since 2003 — will sit between the existing Vauxhall road bridge and the Battersea railway bridge into Victoria. It will improve connections across the Thames at the new Nine Elms and Battersea Power Station development, including the new US Embassy and the new Northern line extension stations.



Nine Elms Pimlico Bridge

New Thames Bridge Planned Between Nine Elms And Pimlico

A new pedestrian and cyclist bridge across the Thames is set to go ahead after a short-list of locations was narrowed down to the final winner.

A preferred location has been identified for a new Thames bridge linking Nine Elms and Pimlico by the bridge design team, appointed by Wandsworth Council.

Whilst all three shortlisted locations were deemed to be viable, the recommended location has been seen as the best opportunity to create links between the Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea (VNEB) Opportunity Area with local neighbourhoods on the north side of the river.

The location is a bit of a surprise, as the favoured placement had been opposite the new US Embassy building, as analysis by TfL in 2013 found that location to be likely to be the best in terms of people using the bridge.

That particular location was however also opposed by a lot of people living on the north side of the river.

The current design, which hasn’t been finalised, is for a couple of corkscrew spirals at either end leading up to the bridge across the river.

Funding for the bridge is also still to be raised, and although £26 million has been secured from the developers putting up all those towers in Nine Elms, the estimated cost for the bridge to be built is somewhere in the region of £240 million, leaving a sizeable shortfall to be filled.
Location chosen for new footbridge across the Thames
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