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The Lonely Theophilostory Post Thread


real life adventure worth more than pieces of gold
Good news! Someone/thing has published a biography* of long lapsed urbanite, Haller :thumbs:

Here is Haller's review:

Does anyone want this kind of content-free drivel?

How can we or should we combat AI-generated misinformation about ourselves?

*Highly unlikely, I know, but just in case: please don't buy a copy! It's not even good for the lulz. And yes, this stuff is probably going to keep happening++ but I'd rather not encourage it.
To the original point, I have been told that large language models trained on the public internet since 2022 or so are significantly less effective than their predecessors because they have ingested so much hallucinated drivel along with human-generated content.
That's mad. :D

Interesting that AI is getting very good at saying stuff with no actual content, though.

The quote here:

"During his time at university, Turner gravitated towards a particular field of study that captured his imagination and fueled his intellectual curiosity. Whether it was history, literature, sociology, or another discipline, Turner’s chosen area of focus became the cornerstone of his academic pursuits and scholarly endeavours. He dedicated himself wholeheartedly to mastering the intricacies of his chosen field, delving into its theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and key debates"

really reminds me of a trainer I listened to recently. Loads of words but no substance at all.

Is it AI mining management-guru stuff or just finding word-salad easier to regurgitate? :D
That's mad. :D

Interesting that AI is getting very good at saying stuff with no actual content, though.

The quote here:

"During his time at university, Turner gravitated towards a particular field of study that captured his imagination and fueled his intellectual curiosity. Whether it was history, literature, sociology, or another discipline, Turner’s chosen area of focus became the cornerstone of his academic pursuits and scholarly endeavours. He dedicated himself wholeheartedly to mastering the intricacies of his chosen field, delving into its theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and key debates"

really reminds me of a trainer I listened to recently. Loads of words but no substance at all.

Is it AI mining management-guru stuff or just finding word-salad easier to regurgitate? :D

Generative AI is predictive, but limited. It begins sentences without knowing how they will end. A lot of low-wattage people adopting professional personae do that, too - or, at least, they finish their sentences without remembering how they began.
Generative AI is predictive, but limited. It begins sentences without knowing how they will end. A lot of low-wattage people adopting professional personae do that, too - or, at least, they finish their sentences without remembering how they began.
You could at least have fremony at the library
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