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Think you have to root in powershell for that or do an audit

Thanks. I know how to pull all user created rules on a tenant. I also got journaling and archiving mixed up in my head which didn't help.

Now trying to learn about mail box auditing. I'm also not totally convinced this is not a manual user thing. :hmm:
It's note-taking software developed by Microsoft.

It's been out for nearly two decades?! Good grief. Maybe it wasn't so great in its earlier incarnations, but apart from a couple of minor hiccups it's more or less perfect for my purposes in its current form.
I've been using OneNote since 2007 when a client gave me a copy of Office 2007. (They wanted me to design templates for them for letters, handouts and PowerPoint.) Still using it for notes and never seen the need to update. It still runs fine on Win11.

To be honest I'd rather be using my very old copy of WordPerfect 1998, but that wouldn't have compatibility with current Word format docs.
I've been using OneNote since 2007 when a client gave me a copy of Office 2007. (They wanted me to design templates for them for letters, handouts and PowerPoint.) Still using it for notes and never seen the need to update. It still runs fine on Win11.

To be honest I'd rather be using my very old copy of WordPerfect 1998, but that wouldn't have compatibility with current Word format docs.

My mum had word perfect for DOS. You had a template which went above the Function keys with all the different keyboard shortcuts for the different functions!
Telling me I have an overflow error in powerquery when appending is useless, wheres the damned error.
Also how the hell do I exclude a column and why is nothing standardised at all.
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It's quite day at work today (happy friday) so I thought I'd have a proper play at getting my head around Intune. Set up a few VMs and joined them to my developers tenancy. Wipe them etc and just generally have a play.

Thought I'd deploy the Bing wallpaper app as a little test. Despite it being Microsoft it's a .exe. My god Intune does not want to play nice with these. Using their little cmd line tool to make an intune package and having to find an MSI product code for the resulting file. I'm sure I'll get my head around it, but I'm sure they could have made this process easier.
I remember it well...not a bloody bad WP, was that. Although I quite liked IBM DisplayWrite, IIRC.

It went a bit shit when Corel took it over and it went all graphical.
The one thing that WP4Windows had that I wish Word did to this day was the option to display all formatting as codes in the text. Probably not possible any more with all the nonsense you can do inside a Word document, but at the time it was a god-send. Ami Pro had that as well, IIRC.
Reassuring, and I'll go through it see if I can tell what's happening, but telling them how to improve their virus eh? :hmm: As a separate issue are any of us going to survive once they get AI well rehearsed in hacking?

But I actually came on to ask whether anyone knows of Linus Tech Tips? Don't know them myself but have seen a couple of strange stories about them this last week, starting with:

Burke’s biggest concern was around a GPU cooling block made by Billet Labs. According to Gamers Nexus, Linus Tech Tips reviewed a copper cooling block from Billet Labs on the wrong GPU, then auctioned it off at a recent fan event without the company’s permission.
which pissed off the owners of the block because their prototype had been sold to any competitor who wanted to copy it.

Summary here:

I'm familiar with LTT, but didn't really understand what the kefuffle was over. And as usual with these things, once the egg is cracked all sorts of unseemly stuff starts coming out about sexual abuse and so on.
I'm going to re-post what someone else from another forum said about it, because I found it helpful. (I keep up with tech web sites, but YT really isn't my thing)


Gamers Nexus released a video accusing (with receipts, very credible, in general GN is a - for youtube standards - reasonably good journalistic outlet) LTT of basically rushing their videos leaving them full of testing errors and other issues. In addition, almost as a bit of a sidenote, they showed that a prototype they botched the testing on was sold at an auction at their LTX event instead of being sent back to the company as promised, with some bad email conversations attached as well. That last thing is the Billet Labs issue and ended up getting the most legs in the online space.

I should emphasize that the GN video was explicitly aimed to make things better at LTT, because LTT is basically the biggest tech youtube channel and should be an example for the rest. Moreover, LTT itself has repeatedly made videos saying that it's fine to make mistakes as long as you handle the aftermath well.

Almost ironically predictable, Linus Sebastian, the head of LTT, made the most tonedeaf stupid response post on their forums. Truly braindead. Saying he wasn't willing to spend another few hundred dollars on retesting despite being told a test protocol was bad or results should be investigated. Basically: video output quantity over quality. Moreover, actual lying about Billet Labs.

The response rather than the initial accusations caused a massive exodus of subscribers on Floatplane, their subscription video service. That in turn caused them to release a video on the matter. A video that contained a (fake, but tonedeaf) sponsor segue and shoutouts to their store, did not call GN by name and failed to address one or two points. Also, a video that came out mere hours after the big fallout, so again.... rushed. By itself the video is actually OK and on brand, but in context of the stuff that happened it's pretty tonedeaf again. Also massively disrespectful towards GN.

Also, there have been some (uncorroborated afaik) SA accusations by a female ex-employee. Haven't followed that, but considering the sausagefest that is LMG there's some credence to the claims.
I'm familiar with LTT, but didn't really understand what the kefuffle was over. And as usual with these things, once the egg is cracked all sorts of unseemly stuff starts coming out about sexual abuse and so on.
I'm going to re-post what someone else from another forum said about it, because I found it helpful. (I keep up with tech web sites, but YT really isn't my thing)


Gamers Nexus released a video accusing (with receipts, very credible, in general GN is a - for youtube standards - reasonably good journalistic outlet) LTT of basically rushing their videos leaving them full of testing errors and other issues. In addition, almost as a bit of a sidenote, they showed that a prototype they botched the testing on was sold at an auction at their LTX event instead of being sent back to the company as promised, with some bad email conversations attached as well. That last thing is the Billet Labs issue and ended up getting the most legs in the online space.

I should emphasize that the GN video was explicitly aimed to make things better at LTT, because LTT is basically the biggest tech youtube channel and should be an example for the rest. Moreover, LTT itself has repeatedly made videos saying that it's fine to make mistakes as long as you handle the aftermath well.

Almost ironically predictable, Linus Sebastian, the head of LTT, made the most tonedeaf stupid response post on their forums. Truly braindead. Saying he wasn't willing to spend another few hundred dollars on retesting despite being told a test protocol was bad or results should be investigated. Basically: video output quantity over quality. Moreover, actual lying about Billet Labs.

The response rather than the initial accusations caused a massive exodus of subscribers on Floatplane, their subscription video service. That in turn caused them to release a video on the matter. A video that contained a (fake, but tonedeaf) sponsor segue and shoutouts to their store, did not call GN by name and failed to address one or two points. Also, a video that came out mere hours after the big fallout, so again.... rushed. By itself the video is actually OK and on brand, but in context of the stuff that happened it's pretty tonedeaf again. Also massively disrespectful towards GN.

Also, there have been some (uncorroborated afaik) SA accusations by a female ex-employee. Haven't followed that, but considering the sausagefest that is LMG there's some credence to the claims.
Interesting, ta
Reassuring, and I'll go through it see if I can tell what's happening, but telling them how to improve their virus eh? :hmm: As a separate issue are any of us going to survive once they get AI well rehearsed in hacking?

But I actually came on to ask whether anyone knows of Linus Tech Tips? Don't know them myself but have seen a couple of strange stories about them this last week, starting with:

which pissed off the owners of the block because their prototype had been sold to any competitor who wanted to copy it.

Summary here:

I'm familiar with LTT, but didn't really understand what the kefuffle was over. And as usual with these things, once the egg is cracked all sorts of unseemly stuff starts coming out about sexual abuse and so on.
I'm going to re-post what someone else from another forum said about it, because I found it helpful. (I keep up with tech web sites, but YT really isn't my thing)


Gamers Nexus released a video accusing (with receipts, very credible, in general GN is a - for youtube standards - reasonably good journalistic outlet) LTT of basically rushing their videos leaving them full of testing errors and other issues. In addition, almost as a bit of a sidenote, they showed that a prototype they botched the testing on was sold at an auction at their LTX event instead of being sent back to the company as promised, with some bad email conversations attached as well. That last thing is the Billet Labs issue and ended up getting the most legs in the online space.

I should emphasize that the GN video was explicitly aimed to make things better at LTT, because LTT is basically the biggest tech youtube channel and should be an example for the rest. Moreover, LTT itself has repeatedly made videos saying that it's fine to make mistakes as long as you handle the aftermath well.

Almost ironically predictable, Linus Sebastian, the head of LTT, made the most tonedeaf stupid response post on their forums. Truly braindead. Saying he wasn't willing to spend another few hundred dollars on retesting despite being told a test protocol was bad or results should be investigated. Basically: video output quantity over quality. Moreover, actual lying about Billet Labs.

The response rather than the initial accusations caused a massive exodus of subscribers on Floatplane, their subscription video service. That in turn caused them to release a video on the matter. A video that contained a (fake, but tonedeaf) sponsor segue and shoutouts to their store, did not call GN by name and failed to address one or two points. Also, a video that came out mere hours after the big fallout, so again.... rushed. By itself the video is actually OK and on brand, but in context of the stuff that happened it's pretty tonedeaf again. Also massively disrespectful towards GN.

Also, there have been some (uncorroborated afaik) SA accusations by a female ex-employee. Haven't followed that, but considering the sausagefest that is LMG there's some credence to the claims.

Really disappointed in the response from LTT to this controversy so far. They've done the exact same kinds of things that LTT have taken other companies to task for in the past. I was excited to see them build the labs and get into testing, but it looks like they've been blowing their budget on fancy equipment without giving enough consideration to developing the kind of methodology and working practices that would actually make the money spent worthwhile.

The SA allegations are particularly disturbing, as before I had no idea that the ex-employee left on such bad terms. That particular situation doesn't exactly make me feel optimistic for LMG as a whole.
Does anyone know how to stop Edge from opening a new tab to the poxy MSN website every time my connection resets? It's so incredibly fucking irritating how modern tech companies pull this kind of shit. No doubt trying to artificially inflate visitor numbers, the dickheads.

In case anyone asks, this is for my work laptop. I don't use Edge on my own PC.
They are getting rid of Facebook messenger lite. I will probably move to the standard messenger app for the very rare occasions someone messages via FB.
Does anyone know how to stop Edge from opening a new tab to the poxy MSN website every time my connection resets? It's so incredibly fucking irritating how modern tech companies pull this kind of shit. No doubt trying to artificially inflate visitor numbers, the dickheads.

In case anyone asks, this is for my work laptop. I don't use Edge on my own PC.
Is it set as the default browser?
It's a wrapper around their web thing isnt it? I've had a few people click on it by accident.

I give it 12 months before Microsoft forget it ever existed.
It is the web like thing aye.

Quite a few people at work have switched it on for a look -see, been heard going 'fuck me', and then hurriedly ask how to switch back.

I don't like it either Artaxerxes

Pegasus Mail FTW. I miss Pegasus.
It's a wrapper around their web thing isnt it? I've had a few people click on it by accident.

I give it 12 months before Microsoft forget it ever existed.

Nah they'll drive on with it and break two decades worth of line of business add-ons.

I told my colleague it'll be on trial for ten years or just switched over with no notice, there won't be a middle ground.
Nah they'll drive on with it and break two decades worth of line of business add-ons.

I told my colleague it'll be on trial for ten years or just switched over with no notice, there won't be a middle ground.

Maybe. Or they will do a Windows 8, force the horrible tiles into everything, including a server OS and then quietly move on afterwards.
Nothing like making your home setup more complex then it needs to be and then having to sort it out at least half pissed. :D

Sat down to watch Fargo on Prime last night and had no internet. Virgin are pretty good, so waited a short while, reset their modem and my router just in case and still nothing. Sigh. Troubleshooting. Log into the Omada controller and can it's got connectivity, but nothing resolves. Ping and get a response, but still no webpages. Try to log into to technitium dns and it fails. SSH to the VM it's on and see it's totally out of disk space. I only gave it 8GB, guess it keeps a lot of logs. I can increase a Windows Server with my eyes shut (or at least really pissed), but a Linux cmd line was a bit beyond me. So that's a job for today as I just set the settings in Omada to use Google DNS, but of course my internal DNS isn't working.

Also a job for today or at least soon is to make a much more simple home setup, with the lab separate, so if something falls over it doesn't take out basic functions. Or I've got a Pi Zero I've not used for a while, so at least have a second DNS server.
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I got an IBM PC XT in 1986 (£2,200 as I recall but I didn't pay for it). Served me admirably for a good few years. I bagged it up and have carried it round with me for nearly 35 years :cool: Was thinking some tech collector might be interested - I was told it was one of the first to come into the UK but I think he was lying. Was looking forward to having a play with DOS again to see whether I could navigate around pre mouse and internet (did have a Compuserve link to the US which involved entering a lot of numbers and digits each time), and whether any of the software still worked :thumbs:

Finally got it out of the attic and connected it up, plugged it in and wandered off for a few minutes. Hadn't even switched it on and smoke started coming out of the back :(
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